日期:2013-09-05 20:55



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) He says tacos can be considered ____

a) health food

b) fast food

2) What does he compare it to?

a) Salad

b) Sandwiches

3) He says you can make it _______.

a) quickly

b) cheaply


Topic:Do you like tacos?

Hello, this is Fred from Canada. And this is podcast 886: Tacos. First question: Do you like tacos? Of course! Who doesn't? It's so delicious. It's, it's really one of the greatest foods. It can also be considered fast food. Doesn't take so much time to do, and you can eat it just like a sandwich on the way. And so I think it's also a very convenient food, so I think tacos are just great!


b b a
