每日视频新闻:成都男子公交车行凶 致4死11伤
日期:2013-08-27 12:00



路透社:成都男子公交车行凶 致4死11伤




秦火火等网络红人被捕 靠诋毁名人营利


战火无情 叙利亚难民儿童数量过百万


奥迪Q7在华贵出百万 进口车暴利涉嫌垄断


北京房市调控出狠招 限制房价竞标地价




Four killed, 11 injured in China bus stabbing
成都男子公交车行凶 致4死11伤


Police in China cordon off the scene after a knife-wielding passenger ran amok on this bus, killing four passengers and injuring 11 others. The attack took place on Sunday night in the southwestern city of Chengdu. State media said the suspect began hacking at passengers before he got off the bus and attacked people on the street. Police then opened fire on the suspect and subdued him. Several victims, including a 10-year-old girl, remain in critical condition at a local hospital. According to local police reports, the suspect is a worker from a nearby county who told police he was having 'financial disputes' with his family.



Israeli troops kill three Palestinians but peace talks resume
以色列军队杀害巴勒斯坦人 和谈继续


Israeli troops shot dead three Palestinians and wounded about a dozen others on Monday in this West bank village near Jerusalem. It happened after an early morning raid by Israeli armored units to arrest a suspected militant. They were confronted by Palestinians throwing debris and stones. Israeli police say the Palestinians also used firebombs. The flare up couldn't come at a worse time. Just hours after the clashes, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators met for another round of U.S.-brokered peace talks. The talks resumed last month following three long years of stalemate. But at the funeral for the three men killed Monday, a spokesman for the Palestinian Fatah movement was anything but optimistic.


(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) FATAH SPOKESMAN AHMED ASSAF SAYING: "This shows that Israel has true intentions in making sure the American efforts which aim to revive the peace process fail. This new crime is added to all the other crimes committed recently by Israel including settlement expansion and other indicators that show that the Israeli government is not interested in reaching peace."
法塔赫发言人AHMED ASSAF表示:“这表明以色列蓄意导致美国努力调停的和谈失败W=ON@Q#]qo#X7。这是最新的一起罪行dl#tVtt#X07dr1Vj&~DA。最近,以色列人犯了诸多罪行,包括扩建定居点和其他行为j0e6p)Tf2Jfe8UAh7Ws。这一切都表明,以色列政府对和平根本不感兴趣0x~HJrgoVVN;Mf@。”


Violence in the West Bank has worsened this year. Few express much optimism for a major breakthrough in the peace talks, but Monday's clashes may have only dampened the mood.



Forty-seven dead in Iraqi blasts, shootings


Blood stains in Baghdad's Al-Shaab district. At least 47 people died in a series of deadly bombings and shootings across the country on Sunday. Explosions in Baghdad alone killed 15 people and wounded dozens of others. Tensions here are intensifying between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims... with Sunni insurgents and al-Qaeda affiliated groups stepping up attacks. According to the United Nations, more than 1,000 Iraqis were killed throughout July, the highest monthly death toll since 2008. Many now fear the country is descending back into 2006 to 2007 - the bloodiest years of sectarian violence.






China expresses support for UN chemical weapons probe


China has expressed support for an independent and objective investigation by the UN into allegations of the use of chemical weapons in Syria.


China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that China resolutely opposes the use of chemical weapons no matter who uses them, and pointed out the only way out for the Syrian issue is a political resolution. He added that all parties concerned should cautiously handle the Syrian chemical weapons issue to avoid interfering in efforts to resolve the Syrian issue politically.







UN team fired at by unidentified sniper


UN inspectors in Syria on Monday visited one of the sites of alleged large-scale chemical attacks in a Damascus suburb. But not before they came under fire from an unidentified sniper. The Syrian government and the opposition have accused each other of carrying out the attack.


UN chemical weapons inspectors left their hotel in the morning in a convoy of cars.


But the journey proved a dangerous one.


On their way to Moadamiyeh, a western suburb of Damascus and one of the areas where last week’s alleged chemical attack occurred, the investigators came under fire from snipers.


The lead vehicle was damaged, but all the inspectors were safe.


They continued their visit to the area where they spoke to doctors and victims of the alleged attacks at a makeshift hospital before they returned.


A UN spokesman later said the UN vehicle was "deliberately shot at multiple times".


He said, "The first car of the UN convoy were shooting by unidentified snipers."


The Syrian government has accused rebels of firing at the UN team. The opposition has blamed it on pro-Assad militiamen, saying the shooting did not take place in an opposition-controlled area.


He said, "There is a line that separates the rebel controlled area, the Free Syrian Army controlled area and Assad controlled area. I would like to emphasize that the car was hit before crossing to our side"


As the U.N. inspectors came under fire, evidence of an alleged large-scale chemical weapons attack they are seeking is already fading from the scene.


Syrian opposition activists have said that large scale chemical weapons’ attacks occurred on August the 21st in towns in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta. The towns primarily border Damascus in the east while Moadamiyeh where the inspectors went on Monday lies in the west.


The longer it takes the 20-member team to get to the other spots where the alleged attacks took place, the harder it will be for the mission to find meaningful remnants of toxic munitions.


Some countries fear that the evidence of the attacks could have already been destroyed ahead of a visit to the sites by the team.


But the UN insists it is still possible for its team to gather evidence, despite the lapse of time.

  • gatherv. 聚集,聚拢,集合 n. 集合,聚集
  • deliberatelyadv. 慎重地,故意地
  • unidentifiedadj. 未确认的,无法识别的,身份不明的
  • controlledadj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;
  • proben. 探针,探测器,调查,查究 v. 用探针测,详细调查
  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • bordern. 边界,边境,边缘 vt. 与 ... 接壤,加边于
  • fadingn. 褪色;衰退;凋谢 v. 使衰落(fade的ing形
  • optimisticadj. 乐观的,乐观主义的