翻译加油站 第200期:"继承"怎么译
日期:2013-07-01 10:50





He inherited his father as president of the company.


1)He succeeded his father as president of the company.

2)He succeeded his father to become president of the company.

3)He became the successor of/to his father as president of the company.


to inherit sth和to succeed to sth所继承的是前人的遗产;to succeed sb as sth所继承的是前人的职位。“继承”有四个意思:

1、依法承受死者的遗产。英语可以译为to inherit,to succeed to。

2、接替王位或接替职位。英语可译为to succeed to the throne/crown。

3、接受前人的知识、文化、传统或作风。英语可以译为to carry on/forward,to advance,to inherit。

4、继续做前人未完成的事业。英语可以译为to carry on sb's unfinished work,to continue the work left by sb。对比以下例句:

1)He inherited an estate from his father.他从父亲那里继承了一份家产。

2)In this place,the eldest son succeeds to his father's estate.在这个地方,长子继承父亲财产。

3)Elizabeth succeeded to the throne/crown in 1952.伊丽莎白于1952年继承王位。

4)The writer did his best to carry on/forward the tradition launched by Lu Xun.这位作家尽力继承鲁迅开启的传统。

5)His main goal as a music teacher was to advance the tradition of Chinese folk music.他作为音乐教师的主要目标是继承中国民间音乐的传统。

6)He is trying to carry on his father's unfinished work.他正努力继承他父亲未完成的事业。

7)The young man will continue the work left by his father with the utmost effort. 这个年轻人将以最大努力来继承他父亲留下的事业。

  • unfinishedadj. 未完成的
  • inheritv. 继承,遗传
  • estaten. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产
  • thronen. 王座,君主