日期:2013-05-18 19:08



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) As a boy, Hristo put insects in _______.

a) boxes

b) jars

2) Hristo also liked to watch insects _______.

a) feed

b) fight

3) Hristo had a scary experience when a huge beetle _______.

a) jumped into his bed

b) bumped into his forehead


Topic:Do you afraid of insects?

Hello, I'm Hristo from Bulgaria, and the question is: "Are you afraid of insects?". I'm not afraid of insects, and as a boy, like probably every little boy, I was often playing with them, putting them in jars, and watching them feed. So I'm not very afraid, but I had this one experience with huge beetle which came into my room and startled me by bumping into my forehead. So, that was a pretty scary experience.


b a b
