1.About 35 percent of the world’s orange juice is produced by Florida, comparing it with nearly 50 percent produced by Brazil, the world’s largest orange producer.
Answer Choices
(A) comparing it with
(B) but
(C) whereas
(D) although
(E) compared with
2.The wide variety of spices and condiments used in sausage making including salt and, it depends on the ethnic or regional origin of the recipe, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, garlic, vinegar, mace, pepper, chili peppers, or pistachio nuts.
Answer Choices
(A) including salt and, it depends
(B) include salt, depending
(C) includes salt, and it depends
(D) includes salt and, depending
(E) including salt and, depending
3.After serving two terms in the Texas State Senate, Barbara Jordan’s election to the United States House of Representatives, where she served from 1973 to 1979.
(A) Barbara Jordan’s election
(B) it was Barbara Jordan who was elected
(C) it was Barbara Jordan’s election
(D) Barbara Jordan had been elected
(E) Barbara Jordan was elected
4.Since William the Conqueror in 1066, every British sovereign has been crowned in Westminster Abbey except Edward V and Edward VIII, neither of them were crowned.
(A) neither of them were
(B) neither were
(C) neither of whom was
(D) with neither being
(E) with neither who had been
5.All of the ingredients for Pablo’s secret chocolate chip cookie recipe, which included the special dark chocolate, was available in his mother’s pantry.
(A) which included the special dark chocolate, was
(B) which included the special dark chocolate, they were
(C) including the special dark chocolate that was
(D) including the special dark chocolate, being
(E) including the special dark chocolate, were
6. The finest quality raw silk comes from the commonly domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, it feeds on the leaves of the mulberry tree.
(A) it feeds
(B) feeding
(C) they feed
(D) which feeds
(E) having fed
7. Listening to good storybooks sharpen children’s awareness and appreciation for the sounds of spoken language.
(A) sharpen children’s awareness
(B) sharpens children’s awareness of
(C) are what sharpens the awareness of children
(D) sharpens the awareness of children
(E) is to sharpen children’s awareness
8. The advent of innovative computer and communications technology toward the end of the twentieth century ushered in a new era, not dominated by industry anymore, rather it was information.
(A) era, not dominated by industry anymore, rather it was information
(B) era, it was dominated by information over industry
(C) era, which was not dominated anymore by industry but rather information
(D) era dominated by information rather than industry
(E) era dominated not by industry, but it was information
9.Combining both figurative and abstract elements in his paintings, such painters as Franz Kline and Richard Diebenkorn were greatly influenced by American artist Willem de Kooning, a key figure in the post-war Abstract Expressionist movement.
(A) such painters as Franz Kline and Richard Diebenkorn were greatly influenced by American artist Willem de Kooning, a key figure in the post-war Abstract Expressionist movement
(B) a key figure in the post-war Abstract Expressionist movement who greatly influenced such painters as Franz Kline and Richard Diebenkorn was American artist Willem de Kooning
(C) American artist Willem de Kooning became a key figure in the post-war Abstract Expressionist movement and greatly influenced such painters as Franz Kline and Richard Diebenkorn
(D) Willem de Kooning, an American artist who became a key figure in the post-war Abstract Expressionist movement and greatly influenced such painters as Franz Kline and Richard Diebenkorn
(E) and a key figure in the post-war Abstract Expressionist movement, Willem de Kooning greatly influenced such painters as Franz Kline and Richard Diebenkorn as an American artist
10. The well-preserved, 121-million-year-old fossilized bird embryo on display at the museum has several features that suggest that its young could move about and feed themselves very soon after they hatched.
(A) its
(B) her
(C) their
(D) the species
(E) for this species
1.The correct answer is E
Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by removing the vague pronoun “it” so that the percentage of orange juice produced by Florida is directly compared with the percentage produced by Brazil.
2.The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using a singular verb, “includes,” to agree with the singular noun, “variety,” and by eliminating the unnecessary pronoun “it.”
3.The correct answer is E
Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by placing the appropriate subject (“Barbara Jordan”) immediately after the modifying phrase (“After serving two terms in the Texas State Senate”).
4.The correct answer is C
Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by replacing “them” with “whom” and by using an appropriate verb form, the singular “was,” to agree with the singular “neither.”
5.The correct answer is E
Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the subject-verb agreement error of the original by replacing the singular verb “was” with the plural verb “were” to agree with the plural subject “All.” It also provides the present participle “including” to avoid any potential ambiguity associated with the relative pronoun “which.”
6.The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the comma splice error of the original by providing the appropriate modifying phrase “which feeds on the leaves of the mulberry tree.”
7.The correct answer is B
Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the subject-verb agreement error of the original by using the singular verb “sharpens” to agree with the singular subject “Listening.”
8.The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the awkwardness and wordiness of the original by using the idiomatic phrase “dominated by information rather than industry” to characterize the “new era” discussed in the sentence.
9.The correct answer is C
Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the modification error of the original by placing the subject of the sentence, “American artist Willem de Kooning” directly after the modifying phrase “Combining both figurative and abstract elements in his paintings.”
10.The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the pronoun reference error of the original by using the “species’” to indicate the kind of birds (birds of the same species) whose “young could move about … after they hatched.”