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日期:2013-04-18 09:37



  1. The credit a (for making) Franz Kafka internationally famous b (as a writer) belongs to his friend, novelist Max Brod, c (which) despite Kafka’s dying wishes, edited Kafka’s unpublished manuscripts and then d (had them published). e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  2. The tiger a(usually) hunts by night and b(feeds on) a variety of animals, c(but it) prefers fairly large prey d(such as) deer and wild pigs.e(No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  3. a (It depends on) where in the world it is b (located), an underground electric-railway system c (may be) called a subway, underground railway, tube, d (or) metro. e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A  (B) B  (C) C  (D) D  (E) E

  4.  a (Once) the suspension bridge replaced the cantilever, the United States b (becomes) the world leader c (in this new) d (type of) long-span bridgebuilding. e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  5. a (By the time) Mitzie and b (myself) got to the box office, c (all) of the tickets for the show had already d (been sold). e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E



  1.The correct answer is C


  The error in this sentence occurs at (C), where there is improper pronoun use. The relative pronoun “which” should not be used to refer to a person. Instead, “who” is needed.

  2.The correct answer is E


  Choice (E) is correct. There is no error in the sentence.

  3.The correct answer is A


  The error in this sentence occurs at (A), where awkward phrasing and an unnecessary pronoun create a comma splice. The entire phrase “It depends on” can be reduced to “Depending on.”

  4.The correct answer is B


  The error in this sentence occurs at (B), where there is an inappropriate verb form. To match the past tense established and used elsewhere in the sentence (“Once,” “replaced”), the past-tense “became” is needed.

  5.The correct answer is B


  The error in this sentence occurs at (B), where there is improper pronoun use. The reflexive pronoun “myself” is used incorrectly. The first-person singular pronoun “I” is needed instead so that the sentence communicates clearly that two people “got to the box office.” (“Mitzie...got to the box office” and “I got to the box office”)


  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • singularadj. 个人的,单数的,独一的,唯一的,非凡的 n.
  • splicev. & n. 接合,衔接 vt. 拼接
  • unnecessaryadj. 不必要的,多余的
  • improperadj. 不合适的,错误的,不道德的
  • inappropriateadj. 不适当的,不相称的
  • establishedadj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est
  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • preyn. 被掠食者,牺牲者 vi. 捕食,掠夺,使 ...
  • comman. 逗号,停顿,间歇 n. 银纹多角蛱蝶