听力万花筒 第18期:黑莓发布黑莓10系统及两款手机
日期:2013-03-24 18:24


Mobile Wars: New BlackBerry 10 Launched

The smartphone war hots up as mobile giant RIM launches the BlackBerry 10 in an attempt to close the gap on Apple and Samsung.

曾是智能手机市场霸主的黑莓,推出了全新的黑莓10操作系统,并发布了两款新手机,希望用户重新拥抱其平台!新系统、新手机能帮助黑莓收复失地吗?Z10能取代iPhone5或三星GalaxyS III否?


At times it feels a little like new division we crossed from country to country.


“What is that?”

“What’s, dude? ”

Then a little like it’s a knockout, as one fan cuts off the pony tail he promised to keep growing until the launch of the new handset.

“Don’t drop blood.”

Blackberry 10 is known here, a glossing new edition to the smartphone market.

“Here you go.”

“It’s faster, it’s smarter and it adapts to you, the user. Things like the Blackberry Hub and the Blackberry Keyboard have been designed to make your experience with your smartphone easier and simpler, and faster than other platforms on the market today.”

Part of Blackberry’s problems has been that since the invention of the mobile phone, since the invention of the telephone itself, it’s been very difficult to predict where the consumer will go next.

The first cellular call was made just 40 years ago. No one could have guessed how ubiquitous they become. The first text was sent two decades ago. Now plenty of people send a message in preference to making a call.

RIM(Research In Motion), unlike Apple and Samsung, failed to spot the people want their phones to both entertainment center and mobile office, and then, there were the other issues.

As a literary agent Carole Blake sent hundreds of emails a day on her Blackberry until October 2011 when she, along with many others lost access to them. She decided to tackle the problem with a hammer.

“It took about a month of intermittent bashing to actually break the Blackberry hand setup. And then I took photograph of it in pieces, and then I threw away and that was the end of it. That was it, that was a satisfying end.”

Those problems have not been resolved, but that hasn’t stop Samsung from running advance, poking fun at its rival.

“This phone is for work, this one is for home.”

Many have described the Blackberry 10 is the company’s last chance to gain a proper foothold against such long established rivals that’s an uphill task. But the history of the mobile phone shows that it’s not possible to predict what will happen next.

“People didn’t realize that it will be used for texting in the way it has, and that’s become a way of life, and no one anticipated that, no one saw it coming. So people have taking it over, and in a way technology has almost been behind. X take a leap, but the leap is taken, that’s not what people or anyone expect them to go.”

These days there are fewer cables but greater connectivity and huge opportunities for smartphone manufacturers. Although??Blackberry needs more than bones if it still avoids becoming a novelty item itself.

Niall Paterson, Sky News.

  • literaryadj. 文学的
  • anticipatedadj. 预期的;期望的 v. 预料(anticipat
  • preferencen. 偏爱,优先,喜爱物
  • cellularadj. 细胞的,松织的 n. 手机
  • intermittentadj. 间歇的,断断续续的
  • rivaln. 对手,同伴,竞争者 adj. 竞争的 v. 竞争,
  • tacklev. 处理,对付,阻截 n. 用具,滑车,对付
  • noveltyn. 新奇,新奇的事物,小装饰
  • ubiquitousadj. 到处存在的,遍在的
  • entertainmentn. 娱乐