日期:2013-03-24 06:15



One day in August the sun was rising through the mist.


In a yellow cornfield near Marlott village it shone on two large arms of painted wood.


These,with two others below, formed the turning cross of the reaping-machine.


It was ready for today's harvest.


A group of men and a group of women came down the road at sunrise.


As they walked along, their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge.


They went into the field.


Soon there came a sound like the love-making of the grasshopper.


The machine had begun, and three horses pulled it slowly along the field.Its arms turned,bright in the sunlight.


Gradually the area of standing corn was reduced.


So was the living space of the small field animals,who crowded together,not knowing that they could not escape the machine in the end.



1. One day in August the sun was rising through the mist.

短语窜烧:in August:在十月份 rise through:穿过......而升起

妙语生花:The sun was rising through the mist.(景物描写)

2. In a yellow cornfield near Marlott village it shone on two large arms of painted wood.

短语窜烧:a yellow cornfield:金黄的麦地 in a cornfield:在麦地上

语法点拨:painted wood是指“刷过油漆的木头”,这里painted是过去分词作前置定语修饰wood。

妙语生花:The sun shine on something.阳光照在......上。(景物描写)

3. These,with two others below, formed the turning cross of the reaping-machine.

词汇窜烧:form:形成 cross:交叉 reaping-machine:割麦机 reap:收割

短语窜烧:turning cross:转动的十字柄 two others:其它的两个

3. It was ready for today's harvest.

加分短语:be ready for:准备...... e.g. They were armed to the teeth, ready for any emergency. 他们已全副武装, 随时准备应急。The filter is now ready for operation. 这种滤器目前即将投入运转。

4. A group of men and a group of women came down the road at sunrise.

短语窜烧:1. a group of:一群 e.g. A group of children are playing games on the playground. 一群孩子正在操场上做游戏。

2. at sunrise:在日出时分,在日出时 e.g. They set out at sunrise. 他们日出时出发。The birds start singing at sunrise. 鸟儿在黎明时开始歌唱。

3. come down the road:沿着大路向下走 PS:down在这里是介词,表示方向,意思是“沿着......而下”。

5. As they walked along, their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge.

短语精讲:1. walk along:一起走 PS.:along既可以做副词也可以做介词,作为副词,意思是“向前,一起”,作为介词,意思是“沿着......”。例如:walk along the street(沿着街道走)。2. in the sun:在阳光下 3. in the shadow:在阴影中

妙语生花:Their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge. 他们的脸沐浴在阳光中,而他们的脚则落在了树篱的阴影里。

6. Soon there came a sound like the love-making of the grasshopper

语法点拨:这个句子是倒装句,倒桩的结构是:there+come+主语。再如:There comes the bus. 公交车来了。

词汇详解:sound在这里是作为可数名词用,前面有a修饰。作为可数名词,它的意思是“ thing that produces such a sensation; thing that can be heard ”。例如:I heard a strange sound outside. 我听到外面有一种奇怪的声音。He crept upstairs without a sound. 他悄悄地上了楼。

词汇串烧:love-making:n. 做爱,性交 grasshopper:n.蚱蜢,蝗虫

7. Its arms turned,bright in the sunlight.

妙语生花:Something is bright in the sunlight. (某物)在阳光下闪闪发光。Ps. in the sunlight:在阳光下

8. Gradually the area of standing corn was reduced.

词汇精讲:1. standing corn是指“竖立着的麦苗”,standing是现在分词作前置定语,意思是“竖立着的”。

2. reduce:vt. 使......减少 e.g. This shirt was greatly reduced in the sale. 这种衬衣在大减价时降价很多。

3. area:u.n. 范围,面积 e.g. The area of the office is 35 square metres.办公室的面积是35平方米。

8. So was the living space of the small field animals,who crowded together,not knowing that they could not escape the machine in the end.

语法点拨1:So was the living space of the small field animals是倒装句式。结构是:so+系动词+主语。这句话是以so开头,was是系动词,the living space of the small field animals是主语。

语法点拨2:the living space意思是“生存的空间”,living在这里是现在分词作前置定语。

语法点拨3:who crowded together是非限定性定语从句修饰先行词animals。

语法点拨4:not knowing that they could not escape the machine in the end是否定结构的现在分词短语做后置定语定语,修饰名词animals。

短语窜烧:in the end:最后 e.g. Justice triumphs in the end. 正义终将得胜。

crowded together:簇拥在一起 e.g. She takes us to dark place in the forest where the trees are crowded together. 她将我们带到树林里黑暗的地方,那里树木拥挤的生长在一起。

  • mistn. 雾,迷蒙,朦胧不清 vt. 使 ... 模糊,蒙上
  • cornn. 谷物,小麦,玉米 v. 形成(颗粒状),腌,(用谷
  • filtern. 筛选,滤波器,过滤器,滤色镜 v. 过滤,渗透 [
  • sensationn. 感觉,感知力,激动,轰动
  • hedgen. 树篱,篱笆,障碍,防护物,套期保值,推诿 v. 用
  • reapvt. 收割,收获,获得 vi. 收割
  • shadown. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处 vt. 投阴影于,跟踪
  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、