日期:2013-02-18 11:35



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Her ____ is three years older than her.

a) brother

b) sister

2) Her sister is like a ______ .

a) second mom

b) twin sister

3) Her _____ has three children

a) brother

b) sister


Topic:Do you have many brothers and sisters?

ello, this is Anja from Switzerland. This is for elllo.org and the question is ... Do you have many brothers and sisters? Yes, I have an older brother who is three years older than me and I have an older sister and my sister actually, she is twenty years older than I am, which is a lot of fun, and especially when I was younger. She showed me everything, and she introduced me to all the things my mother wouldn't really tell me because I was too young, so she was always my best friend, but especially lately she became ... also because she has four kids herself ... she became like a second mother to me and sometimes she's really, really strict.


a a b
