日期:2015-10-10 09:28



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Goron ____ worry about fashion.

a) does

b) does not

2) Fashion shows a lot about your ____ .

a) upbringing

b) personality

3) He says he likes to wear ____ clothes.

a) nice

b) expensive


Topic:Do you worry about your fashion?

Hi, my name is Goron. I am from Italy. The question is do you worry about your fashion?

I will say as Italian, I do because it's the way you look is really important. It shows a lot about your personality and, and it helps to, to integrate into the society and if you wear something old clothes and not really in, I don't mean not really in fashion but something like which shows that you don't care too much about what you're wearing. It could show, it could mean that you don't take care of yourself too much and this is not a good thing and personally, I like to wear nice things even though sometimes they are really expensive so I just try to find the right compromise between price and good-looking.


a b a

  • compromisen. 妥协,折衷,折衷案 vt. 妥协处理,危害 vi.
  • integratev. 整合,使 ... 成整体 adj. 组合的,完整的