日期:2013-01-01 00:28



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Did MJ ever had a bad break up?

a) Never.

b) Yes, she did.

2) Why did Mike decide to break up with his girlfriend?

a) Because he was about to join the army.

b) Because they quarreled a lot.

3) Mike says we was _______ by his girlfriend.

a) dumped

b) duped


Topic:Have you ever had a bad break up?

Mike: Hello, this is Mike, from Singapore and this is for elllo.org.

MJ: Hello, this is MJ, from Korea.

Mike: Ok, MJ. We are gonna talk about break up. So, have you ever had a bad break up?

MJ: Actually I didn't have any bad break up.

Mike: Lucky you.

MJ: Yeah, lucky me. Have you ever had one?

Mike: Yeah, actually. It's kind of funny, kind of funny story. Well, I was dating this girl for two, it was only two months. And during those two months, you know, we were like, we just quarreled a lot. It's a lot. But...so there was a day that I was about to enlist in the army and I told myself that I can't put up with this stuff any more, right? So, I just broke it off with her. And the best part of it was that, that night, I kind of thought like, oh, man, you know, I think like I made a mistake. So I called her, and I was like, "you know what, I'sorry for breaking up with you." And then she said, ?" OK, but now is my turn to break up with you"

MJ: She said that?!

Mike: Yeah, so from being...from dumping someone, I turned to be dumped within 24 hours.

MJ: Oh!

Mike: So that was actually fantastic. Yeah, and it kind of affected me for maybe just a few days.

MJ: So, after she said she don't want to meet you anymore, you didn't say anything to her?

Mike: Well, I kind of said like, you know I'm sorry and stuff but it didn't work, so it's cool.

So that's about it. All right.


a b a

  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • enlistv. 徵募,参与,支持
  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做