In August, Karamay launched a joint program with IBM to become a "smart city". The concept, proposed by IBM, is based on technologies such as the Internet of things and cloud computing, and embraces transportation, healthcare and public security.
For example, Chen said that almost every bus station in Karamay is equipped with an electronic screen displaying information about the arrival of the next bus. Residents can even check the exact time a bus will arrive on their mobile devices.
And if an elderly person pushes the panic button in their home, the "smart city" system automatically informs emergency units, including first aid and the fire department, as well as their relatives, he said.
In addition, if a growing number of people are registered as unemployed in the city, the local social security system will alert officials, he added.
八月,克拉玛依与IBM携手发布“智慧城市”计划。“智慧城市”这个概念由IBM提出, 意为将“物联网”、云计算等技术应用于交通运输、医疗卫生和公共安全等方面。
"Smart City"即为智慧城市,“智慧城市”需要具备四大特征:全面透彻的感知、宽带泛在的互联、智能融合的应用以及以人为本的可持续创新。