Garbage is a wrong placed resource.
1) Garbage is a wrongly placed resource.
2) Rubbish is a misplaced resource.
3) Garbage is a resource that is put in the wrong place.
4) Rubbish is a resource that is wrongly placed.
5) Garbage is a resource that is placed wrongly.
6) Dirt is said to be matter in the wrong place.
前5句是根据汉语意思翻译的。第6句是英语中现成的句子。wrong 可以用作形容词,例如 the wrong place。也可以用作副词,相当于wrongly。但是在这种情况下,wrong只可以放置于动词后面,但是不可以放置于动词前面。例如:
1. 你猜错了。
1)You guessed wrong.
2)You guessed wrongly.
2. 你做错了。
1)You've done it wrong.
2)You've done it wrongly.
3. 你将这个词拼写错了。
1)You've spelt the word wrong.
2)You've spelt the word wrongly.
在汉语“走错了路”这样的结构中,“错”是补语。而译成英语时,其对应词wrong一般放在定语位置。注意在这种结构中,wrong 前面一定要用定冠词the,而不要用不定冠词 a。例如:
4. 你准是走错了路。
1)You must have taken the wrong road/course.
2)You must be on the wrong road.
5. 对不起,你拨错号码了。
Sorry, you've dialed the wrong number.
6. 你认错人了。
1)You've got the wrong person.
2)You have taken me for somebody else.
7. 我坐错车了。
1) I took the wrong bus.
2) I got on the wrong bus.
8. 我站错队了。
1)I stood in the wrong queue/line.
2)I got in the wrong queue/line.
3)I joined the wrong queue/line.
9. 你敲错门了。
You knocked at the wrong door.
10. 你给我拿错书了。
You brought me the wrong book.