翻译加油站 第52期:各行各业 all trads and professions
日期:2012-10-31 08:20





People from all works of life expressed their ideas in the debate about the use of cars.


People from all trades and professions expressed their ideas in the debate about the use of cars.


英语中根本没有all works of life这样的搭配。“各行各业的人”的正确译法是people from all walks of life或 people from all trades and professions。将all walks of life误说成是all works of life,原因可能有二:一是发音不准,将walks 误读成works,从而记忆失真。二是望文生义,以为“各行各业的人”意味着“生活中从事各种工作的人”,自造all works of life的错误说法。例如:

1. 本汽车俱乐部的成员来自许多不同的行业。
1) Members of this car club are from many different walks of life.
2) Members of our car club come from many different trades and professions.

2. 与“各行各业的人”意思相关的“普通百姓”, 一般可以译为ordinary people 或 common people。例如:
1) No matter how high their ranks might be, governmental officials should be on an equal footing with common people in front of the law.
2) Even if a governmental official has a very high position, he should be equal with ordinary people before the law.

3. “普通百姓” 还可以译为:a man in/on the street,或 an ordinary man or woman in/on the street。例如:
As a man in/on the street, he seems only to yearn for a car.

4. 物价的上涨将会影响普通百姓的利益。
The rise of the prices will affect the interests of the ordinary man or woman in/on the street.
英语的短语Tom, Dick and Harry,意思为 ordinary people,用来泛指“普通百姓”,与汉语的“张三、李四和王五”具有异曲同工之妙。例如:

5. 这位高官想要跟普通百姓那样下小馆、泡吧或逛商场。
This high official wants to eat in a small restaurant, hang about in a bar, or do window-shopping just like every Tom, Dick and Harry.

  • yearnv. 渴望,想念
  • affectvt. 影响,作用,感动
  • debaten. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论