Lesson 55 Potatoes.
In many parts of the world, particularly in Northern Europe and North America, people eat a lot of potatoes. Like many important foods, it was introduced to England from North America at the time of Queen Elizabeth. Nowadays it is such an important part of the Englishman's diet that it is difficult to imagine how he used to manage without it.
Potatoes can be cooked in many different ways. The four main methods used in England are boiling, baking, roasting and frying.
When one boils a potato one cuts it up and cooks it in a saucepan with boiling water and a little salt. They usually take twenty minutes or half an hour to cook.Potatoes are also baked. They are put in an oven for about half an hour. Usually they are not peeled. Baked potatoes with their skins on are called potatoes in their jackets.
Roasting is like baking because it is usually done in an oven. The main difference between baking and roasting is that when baking one does not use fat, but in roasting one does. For their Sunday lunch many English people usually have roast beef with roast potatoes.
Frying is like roasting because fat or oil is used but one does not use an oven. There are two main ways of frying potatoes. One can cut them into slices and fry them in a special shallow pan called a frying pan. The other way is called deep frying. The slices of potatoes are put into a deep pan or metal box full of oil. This is like boiling except that one uses oil instead of water.
boil vi. 煮
bake vi. 烘培
roast vi.烧烤
fry vi. 油煎、炸
saucepan 炖锅
oven 烤箱
frying pan 煎锅