日期:2012-09-10 18:31



Questions may have more than one answer.

1) He talks about getting tired ____ .
a) going up stairs
b) running to class
c) all the time

2) What does he say can be addictive?
a) endorphins
b) weight loss
c) chocolate

3) He says it can prevent heart _____ .
a) burn
b) ache
c) attacks
d) disease
Topic:Why you should stay in shape?
Hello, this is Diego from Mexico and today at elllo.org we're gonna talk about staying in shape. Why is it important to stay in shape? I think it's very important for us to stay in shape because our body is with us all the time basically, and when you start exercising, you start feeling better. You start feeling more empowered, and you don't get tired when you go up the stairs. You don't get tired when you have to run to the classroom and so on, so staying in shape is pretty much taking care of yourself. It's preventing heart diseases. It's preventing heart attacks and you know, it gives you this drive to go on. And yeah, you feel great and actually some people say that exercising is a bit addictive because it releases endorphins. Endorphins are the substance that makes you happy, like chocolate, so when you're exercising, you are pretty much sending this substance through your body that is making you happy.


1.ab 2.ac 3.cd

  • preventv. 预防,防止
  • substancen. 物质,实质,内容,重要性,财产