日期:2015-12-05 11:21


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) He is a ____ guy.
a) city
b) country
2) He likes to cook ____ .
a) over a fire
b) on a grill
3) He would ____ sleep in a tent.
a) prefer to
b) not prefer to
Topic:Do you like spending time outdoors?
Hello! My name is Danny Lewis and I'm from the US. And my question today is do you like spending time outdoors?
I'm more of a city guy. Outdoors are not my strong suit. I could definitely say that. But I like spending time outdoors just I'd rather sleep in my bed than sleep in a tent. I rather cook on a grill than cook over open fire.
So outdoor guy, not really but to some extent, I'm an outdoor guy but I couldn't stand it for short period of time. So yeah, I'm not really an outdoor guy.

a b b

  • grilln. 烤架,铁格子,烧烤(食物) vt. (在烤架上)烤
  • extentn. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度 n. [
  • tentn. 帐篷 v. 住帐篷,宿营