日期:2012-08-19 11:43


【栏目介绍】: 本栏目收集世界各地英语爱好者的录像视频,每期他们会根据某个话题进行口语交流。所以在这里你不仅可以学习到日常的交际口语,还能听到世界各地英语学习爱好者的声音,感受不同的英语口音。


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She thinks Valentine's Day is _____.
a) cheesy
b) sweet

2) She says _____ often double in price.
a) flowers
b) wine and champagne

3) She compares it to ______ .
a) New Years
b) Christmas


Do you think Valentine's Day is romantic or cheesy?

Hi, my name is Lien from Vietnam. And today my questions is: Do you think Valentine's Day is romantic or cheesy? Actually, some people say that Valentine's Day is too corny and some people just want to make it to do their business like they want to do commerce with double of all the price of the rose, the chocolate, the restaurant, the prices and everything but actually for me it's the sweet day. It's just like Christmas. It's not only just for couples, but it's for everyone like it's the day you can show and express your love to the one you really, really love and care about and in the normal day you don't have the chance to say that.

听力答案:b a b

  • romanticadj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人
  • lienn. 扣押权,留置权
  • commercen. 商业,贸易