NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson73-74:机会多着呢
日期:2010-03-18 15:49


NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson73-74:机会多着呢


Lesson 19 There

1.There's a good boy.
2.There are more fish in the sea.
3.There's no telling about that.
4.There's no come and go with him.
5.There they go!
6.There!There!Don't you cry.
7.Are you there?
8.I'm all there.

Lesson 20 Watch

1.Do you have a watch?
2.Watch your head.
3.Watch me,you guys!
4.Watch out!
5.I'm watching a cowboy film.
6.You can set your watch by him.
7.Watch your language.
8.Keep a watch on her.
