The value of parental affection to children lies largely in the fact that it is more reliable than any other affection. One's friends like one for one's merits, one's lovers for one's charms; if the merits or the charms diminish, friends and lovers may vanish. But it is in times of misfortune that parents are most to be relied upon, in illness, and even in disgrace if the parents are of the right sort.
We all feel pleasure when we are admired for our merits, but most of us are sufficiently modest at heart to feel that such admiration is precarious. Our parents love us because we are their children and this is an unalterable fact, so that we feel safer with them than with anyone else. In times of success this may seem unimportant, but in times of failure it affords a consolation and a security not to be found elsewhere.
1.precarious adj. 不稳定的
The family lived a precarious existence.
Our financial situation is still precarious if we postpone the release of the new product.
2. unalterable adj. 不能变更的
The doctrine that all events are predetermined by fate and are therefore unalterable.
Something transmitted as if by unalterable inheritance.
3.consolation n. 安慰 , 起安慰作用的人或事物
Get third prize is poor consolation for all their hard work.
Getting third prize was poor consolation for all their hard work.
他们那麽努力才获得三等奖, 真有点说不过去.