Melanie: Hey Coco, when did you do your nails? They look so pretty. I noticed that you don't bite your nails that often recently. I want you to know that I am very proud of you for doing this.
嘿 Coco,你什么时候做的指甲? 他们看起来很漂亮。 我注意到你最近不常咬指甲了。 我想让你知道我为你这样做感到非常自豪。
Coco: Thank you so much mom I need to hear that. I thought I need to tackle this both ways. I need to first block my access to nails, which nail polish would do. But I don't want to spend too much time applying it, so I went with ready to wear nails. Aren't they so pretty!
非常感谢妈妈,我需要听到。 我想我需要从两个方面来解决这个问题。 我需要先阻止我接触指甲,而指甲油会这样做。 但我不想花太多时间涂它们,所以我选择了现成的指甲。 它们是不是很漂亮!
Melanie: That's very smart of you! What's the other way you are going about?
你真聪明! 你的另一种方式是什么?
Coco: According to the book, the other way is to find a substitute habit. So everytime when I feel stressed or bored, instead of biting my nails, I should do something else.
按照书上的说法,另一种方法是找到替代习惯。 所以每次当我感到压力或无聊时,我都应该做点别的事情,而不是咬指甲。
Melanie: I am not really getting it. So, you create a new habit?
我不太明白。 所以,你创造了一个新习惯?
Coco: Well in a sense yes. But it's not a habit in a traditional sense. Cuz a habit is something that you do without consciously knowing that you are about to do it. But this substitute habit only starts when I look at my nails and realize that I want to bite them. So, it is a conscious choice of mine to do something.
从某种意义上说是的。 但这不是传统意义上的习惯。 因为习惯是你在没有意识到自己即将去做的情况下所做的事情。 但只有当我看着自己的指甲并意识到我想咬它们时,这种替代习惯才会开始。 所以,做某事是我有意识的选择。
Melanie: So, what is this substitute habit of yours?
Coco: Oh, I bought a stress ball.
1.Do nails 做指甲
例: I do my nails about once a month.
2.Block v. 挡住,阻碍
例: The boxes are blocking the emergency exit. You must move them immediately.
箱子挡住了紧急出口。 你必须立即移走它们。
3.Ready to wear nails 穿戴甲
例: Ready to wear nails can last about two to three weeks if glued on.
4.Get it 听懂,明白
例: - Did you get what he was saying?
- Not at all, he was talking so fast.
完全没有, 他说得太快了。
5.In a sense = in a way 从某种程度上
例: When I was working the night shift, my wife and I were living separate lives in a sense, and we grew apart from there.
6.A conscious choice 有意识的选择/特意
例: It was not the case that no one cared to make it better. It was a conscious choice of the university to construct the program in this seemingly stupid way.
并不是没有人管,没人在意需要把它变得更好。 以这种看似愚蠢的方式设计这个项目(其实)是大学有意为之。