学英语环游世界 第551期(MP3+文本):这个世界要美丽太多了
日期:2021-03-31 09:28


The world is more beautiful than the world wide web. 现实世界比互联网要美妙多了。

我的愿望很简单,就是用我的脚步去丈量这个世界, 在旅程中我也试着要省钱和为了体验更多的文化尝试了沙发客的体验!这次两个月的火车行我总共经历了19个沙发客体验,我得说这次欧洲沙发的冒险体验大多都是非常美好的,然而有少数几个让我感觉不是太舒服的,但我觉得都是很好的学习经验。今天我就来分享一个吧!


My couchsurfing host C in Nice, France, an Irish guy who lived there about 9 years because of his daughter.His apartment is right across from the train station and it was perfect for my next journeys to Monaco, and Geneva.I felt really lucky! During the time staying with him, there were also two couchsurfers from Kazakhstan sharing the apartment.It turned out we were going to the same travel conference those days too. I didn’t know those girls very well, and they seemed really friendly. C was also a lovely and helpful host. However, those days C often complained to me in private that he felt used when the girls had the breakfast he offered and never asked to wash the dishes or cook anything back.He never said anything right in front of them, though.I felt a bit bad about this. So I offered to make dumplings and buy lunch to compensate. However, it was a little bit uneasy living in his place too. I was trying to be a good guest, and eventually he took it the wrong way thinking we had some romantic spark and was kind of flirtatious. Actually, I felt relieved when I finally left his place.

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