Hello again.At the offices of Tip Top Trading things are a bit strange after Tom walked… stormed out in a huff after realising that Anna was never going to marry him.
你好,又见面了。Tip Top Trading办公室里的情况变得有点不对劲,汤姆意识到安娜不会嫁给他后便怒气冲冲地离开了。
So Anna, I suppose you can get on with being the manager now?
Yes, I suppose so.But something's not right.Well, you've lost a valuable member of your team.
I know, and a good friend too.Well, you're the boss now – it's time to deal with the situation and get down to business.
Tell the team you'll be finding a replacement for Tom and you're going to make some changes in the office.
You could also say you want to turn the business round and make it really successful.
OK, thanks.Excuse me everyone, could we gather round for a quick meeting please.
Anna?Oh, it's just you now Denise.