全网最酷美语怎么说:第22期 狼吞虎咽
日期:2017-04-03 09:28
Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."大家好,我是Nick.
我个人啊,平常吃饭会比较快,但我觉得还是正常的速度。今天去外面吃饭,看到一个小哥。可能是特别饿了,吃的特别快,"刷刷刷"就吃完了。特别让我震惊,简直就是风卷残云,狼吞虎咽。那对于吃饭吃的特别快,狼吞虎咽,在英语中应该怎么表达呢?我们可以叫做smash.Like for me personally, I have classes all day because of my credit hours. So I don't really have enough time for grabbing lunch. Usually it's like 20 mins. Every time I eat, I force myself to eat faster than before. I need to smash it in, which is not healthy at all. Of course. But, c'est la vie. This is life. You get something good, you sacrifice something.
我刚刚就是说,我个人,因为自己选的学分比较多,所以课程安排特别紧,有时候都顾不上吃午饭,一般只有20分钟。你想想还要排队等吃的,所以时间其实很紧,所以我每次都是风卷残云的吃好,非常不健康。但是没有办法啊,自己选了很多课,就要牺牲一下其他时间的。所以每次吃的时候,我都默默对自己说,smash it in, smash it in,就是说赶紧塞进去,赶紧吃!you have classes你还有很多课呢等下。这里的smash就是狼吞虎咽的意思啦。那下次看到朋友吃的特别快,你就可以善意的提醒下,不用吃这么快,you don't have to smash it in. it does no good. 对你的健康没有什么好处,不用吃这么快。We got enough time!
So this is pretty much it for today's class. I'll see you guys next time, bye.
我个人啊,平常吃饭会比较快,但我觉得还是正常的速度。今天去外面吃饭,看到一个小哥。可能是特别饿了,吃的特别快,"刷刷刷"就吃完了。特别让我震惊,简直就是风卷残云,狼吞虎咽。那对于吃饭吃的特别快,狼吞虎咽,在英语中应该怎么表达呢?我们可以叫做smash.Like for me personally, I have classes all day because of my credit hours. So I don't really have enough time for grabbing lunch. Usually it's like 20 mins. Every time I eat, I force myself to eat faster than before. I need to smash it in, which is not healthy at all. Of course. But, c'est la vie. This is life. You get something good, you sacrifice something.
我刚刚就是说,我个人,因为自己选的学分比较多,所以课程安排特别紧,有时候都顾不上吃午饭,一般只有20分钟。你想想还要排队等吃的,所以时间其实很紧,所以我每次都是风卷残云的吃好,非常不健康。但是没有办法啊,自己选了很多课,就要牺牲一下其他时间的。所以每次吃的时候,我都默默对自己说,smash it in, smash it in,就是说赶紧塞进去,赶紧吃!you have classes你还有很多课呢等下。这里的smash就是狼吞虎咽的意思啦。那下次看到朋友吃的特别快,你就可以善意的提醒下,不用吃这么快,you don't have to smash it in. it does no good. 对你的健康没有什么好处,不用吃这么快。We got enough time!
So this is pretty much it for today's class. I'll see you guys next time, bye.