Hi Everyone, my name is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English"
Nick:那今天呢请到了我们的老朋友Brad来讲解今天的节目。那今天呢我们给大家讲一个"作"要怎么表达。我们英文有个比较对应的表达,叫做Act up. 那这个时候呢"作"其实是说你在做一些很不恰当的事情在一个不恰当的时间,为了去吸引注意力。比如说熊孩子,你在做作业或者玩电脑,熊孩子在遍地打滚要你带他出去玩。你说我没有时间我正在做作业但他不听,他一直在遍地打滚,在闹。这个就是很明显"作"。那这个时候你就可以说 Stop acting up, I really hate this. 我真的很不喜欢这样,你不要"作",那让我们再来听下Brad对于这个"作"是怎么讲解的. Hi Brad, I've heard that"act up" can be used for describing either a person or a thing, right?
Brad: Of course
Nick: How do you use that for a person.
Brad: In this example for using it, for a person. In example, we could use is… Let's say you have a younger sibling and they are being disobedient as they often are. You are watching TV and they wanna watch TV, too. So they are throwing trash everywhere. Maybe they are dumping water on you
Nick: This is so unbelievable.
Brad: Not really unbelievable just very crazy and annoying, then they are"acting up"
Nick:那Brad刚刚和我解释的就差不多,说如果你有一个Younger brother,你有一个弟弟或者妹妹的时候,你想看电视他也想看电视但是你不让他看,他就到处扔东西,这种非常恶劣的行为就是"作"。听起来也非常像我们常说的熊孩子,不让人喜欢。这个时候就要教育一下。另外一种呢就是我们所说的某个物品它坏了我们也可以说"Act up"。例如说我做作业电脑坏了就可以说My laptop is acting up. 当然也可以说It doesn't work都是可以的. Brad, a couple days ago, I did homework called CSE program
Brad: Oh yeah Computer Science Engineering, I'm familiar.
Nick: Yeah that's a class I have to take. When I was doing my homework, the excel didn't work. At that time, I was like"OMG" coz it was due that night. I was so afraid.
Brad: that's an example of a thing that can acted up. You have a computer that works that acts well online. You can search things on Google. You can do this say you have a software program that might be out of date. That's old and if you are unable to do certain formulas on it and it's glitching. You can say that the computer's then acting up.
Nick: Thank you
Nick:不客气...Yeah, that was very good.那Brad刚刚就是说他在做Excel的时候可能因为没有更新,因为我们知道Excel要更新的嘛。我在做我的作业的时候我发现没有更新,然后它就不让你编辑。那些公式Formula也就输入不了这就会很烦,这个就Acting up. 这就是和某个东西坏了是一样的,或者是用着不好,不一定是坏了. Not necessarily. 也可以是用着非常不舒服。以上呢就是今天关于Acting up的讲解, 用在"作"和东西坏了或是东西不好用的一个表达上. So this is pretty much for this class, I'll see you guys next time.
Brad: Thank you, Goodbye.