Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English".
Brad:大家好!我是Brad. Hi everyone, my name is Brad.
Nick:今天呢我们又是非常开心请到了Brad来跟我们讲解一下关于隔音。那隔音呢,比如房间隔音非常好,可能我们是常说这句话用中文,那英文它的相对应的表达叫做sound-deafening or reduces (the sound).等会呢我们将会详细的讲解这两个词是应该怎么用. Brad, do you play indoor activities a lot?
Brad: Yeah. The most common indoor activity I do is I listen to a lot of music. Maybe playing TV …
Nick: Or games?
Brad: Yeah, games for sure.
Nick: So the door can prevent the sound from spreading, right? How do you say the feature, this function of that door?
Brad: This is little tricky. But we could say that the door is sound-deafening. If we are saying that the room is preventing noise from escaping. Then say "oh, the wall is sound deafening"
Nick: Or you can say the door reduces the sound, right?
Brad: Yeah, that works, too.
Nick: Yeah make it as a verb
Nick:那Brad刚刚就是说如果你是在房间里面去做一些游戏,放音乐,玩游戏之类的,这个门可以封锁住这个声音,可以去隔音,让外面听不到。这种情况下我们可以叫做"sound-deafening." "The door is sound-deafening."它是一个形容词,可以用来形容这个门隔音非常好,它就是sound-deafening. 然后呢,如果你是要说动词的话,你可以说reduces as a verb.那你就可以说门的隔音效果非常好"The door reduces sound well",我们还是知道有另一种东西我们经常常见叫隔音耳塞 The headphones we use, there is one type called what?
Brad: Noise canceling
Nick: Exactly. When you wear the head phones you can't hear the noise from outside
Brad: Yeah like if you are wearing a noise canceling headphones you won't be able to hear the person next to you talking. You could say noise reducing, you could say that are sound deafening headphones but the way these headphones are marketed as noise canceling. And the public American speakers just followed calling headphones noise canceling.
Nick: So it's from the commercials I guess?
Brad: Yeah how they advertise the marketing, I mean, it all means the same thing. But if you want people to truly understand is noise canceling headphones.
Nick: The company staged to call this noise canceling. Sounds more fancy.
Brad: So if you are going to a headphone store, and if you say "hey, I'm looking for sound deafening headphones, they are goona look at you, like "don't you mean sound noise canceling?" it's the same thing.
Nick: Thank you.那Brad刚刚就跟我们讲述了有一种耳机我们大家都知道叫隔音耳机,很多耳机牌子都有。这个隔音效果戴上去外面可能稍微听不见,只能听到音乐。那这种耳机呢厂家是把它叫做noise canceling.Cancel就是取消, "Noise"大家都知道就是噪音. Noise canceling直译过来就是取消噪音的耳机,这就是一个隔音耳机。它是一个厂家做commercial, 做广告的一个说法,它可能也可以被叫做Sound-deafening headphones但是一般厂家不会这么叫。它叫做这个Noise Canceling. 所以大家也就跟着叫Noise Canceling. 所以这就是一个隔音耳机的叫法。总结一下,门隔音效果好叫做Sound-deafening 或者是The door reduces sound well. 隔音耳机的话可以叫做Noise Canceling headphones. This is pretty much for today, I'll see you guy next time.