Lesson 10 Key Conversation I Can't Stand Her!
Jeff: Your sister called last night. I really think we should invite her to the party.
Stephanie: Yeah, you'd think that. Look, she's not coming to the party, and that's all there's to it!
Jeff: Why not? You two used to be so close. What happened?
Stephanie: Look, my sister and I just don't see eye to eye on very much these days, OK?
Jeff: That's too bad. I didn't know it was that serious.
Stephanie: Besides, she'll probably bring Eric. You know how he rubs me the wrong way. They're just going to make a scene if we invite them.
Jeff: Oh. Then I guess I shouldn't have told her she could come then.
Stephanie: You did what? Over my dead body!
Jeff: Come on, Steph! Don't you think you're being a bit unreasonable? I mean, we're all adults here. Surely we can work this out.
Stephanie: Get off my back, Jeff! She's not coming, and that's final!
1. Do you think Stephanie likes her sister's new boyfriend?
2. Have you ever experienced a situation like what Jeff and Stephanie are facing?