Lesson 9 Key Conversation Agree to Disagree
Mother: Lisa. Come here, have a seat and tell me how you are doing today.
Mother: Oh, a rough patch in your relationship, then?
Lisa: Something like that. He makes me so angry sometimes!
Mother: What did he do this time?
Lisa: That's just the point! He never does anything! Every day, he's "fine", but I know that's not true. I know his old man is being way too hard on him. And whenever we have a discussion, he just walks out the door.
Mother: Sounds to me like he tends to avoid conflict at all costs.
Lisa: Yeah, tell me about it! Me, I prefer to take the bull by the horns. Nothing ever gets solved by just walking away.
Mother: I don't know about that. Sometimes walking away is the best thing you can do.
Lisa: Let's just agree to disagree on that one, OK?
1. Do you think Lisa understands her boyfriend?
2. Do you think Lisa's mother agrees with her opinion about conflict?