Lesson 21 Key Conversation Sending a Package
Post Office Clerk: Good afternoon. How can I help you today?
Customer: Hi. I need to send this package overseas.
Post Office Clerk: Where are you sending it to?
Customer: The UK. What are my options?
Post Office Clerk: You can send it standard post, airmail, or priority post.
Customer: Well, it needs to get there ASAP, so I won't send it by snail mail. How much does priority post to the UK cost?
Post Office Clerk: Let's see, it would cost $65 for one day delivery or three day delivery for $50.
Customer: Ouch! That's too rich for my blood. I guess I'll send it by airmail.
Post Office Clerk: OK, good enough. That will cost $43.20, and I'll make sure that it goes out tonight.
Customer: That'll be great. Thanks for your help, and have a wonderful afternoon.
Post Office Clerk: To you as well.
1. Do you think the customer's package was heavy?
2. Do you think priority post is worth the extra cost?
3. Did the customer make the right decision?
4. How would you have sent the package?