轻松实用美语 第63课:Golden Rules 金科玉律 (1)
日期:2013-12-29 18:47



1、Put on some pounds:长胖,增肥
2、Burn the candle at both ends:熬夜
3、Live by:生活原则
4、It's easier said than done:说着容易做着难
5、Trying is dying:不要光是嘴上功夫
6、I can't stress the importance of [something] enough:我已经反复强调了什么的重要性
7、I feel like a million dollars:我感觉太好了
8、On the grind:日常的

1、Why did XiaoGao gain weight recently?
2、What are some guidelines that Jing Jing suggests to Xiao Gao?
3、Does Jing Jing feel good when she wakes up in the morning?
1、He hasn't been eaten healthy recently. He burned the candle at both ends. His boss even wanted him to work till ten o'clock at night.
2.eatting 3 meals a day at least,getting good sleep
3.yes,she feels like a million dollars

  • stressn. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.
  • candlen. 蜡烛
  • grindvt. 磨,碾碎,挤压,压迫 vi. 磨得吱吱响 n.