tightwad 小气鬼
Oh, no, my dad is driving me bonkers. He is such a tightwad!
penny-pincher 连一分钱都要捏在手里不放的人
She's such a penny pincher. 她真是个守财奴。
You know, with the national debt getting so big, maybe we ought to elect some penny-pinchers to the Congress next time.
Generous 慷慨的
He's not a generous person. 他不是个慷慨的人。
Money means everything to her. 她视钱如命。
类似 This news means everything to us. 这条消息对我们来说至关重要。
tightfisted 这种说法很形象,但有时,tight-fisted是因为人们“手头紧”。
He's very tightfisted. 他很吝啬。
As a result, the US consumers will remain tight fisted if the price stays on the same level.
splash the cash 花钱大手大脚
She never wants to splash the cash. 她出手从不大方。
Do not splash the news about. 不要四处散布这条新闻。
cheapskate 小气鬼,吝啬鬼
My friend was such a cheapskate! 我的朋友很抠门!
scrooge 小气财神
He's a real scrooge. 他是个不折不扣的守财奴。
His middle name's scrooge. 他是出名的守财奴。
skinflint 铁公鸡
Her boss is a skinflint. 她老板是个一毛不拔的人。
What a miser! 真是个吝啬鬼!
Bless her from marrying a miser. 上天保佑她不要嫁给一个吝啬鬼。
Stingy 吝啬的,小气的
He is a very stingy person. 他是个很小气的人。
Don't be so stingy with the sugar. 别那么舍不得放糖。