日期:2012-09-03 20:16
See the elephant 开眼界、见世面同理还有show the elephant [俚]表示“展示大都市的景物”
It's time for me to see the elephant. 我是时候见见大世面了。
See pink elephants 酒醉到头昏眼花
When you see pink elephants, you can't drive. 当你喝醉酒时,你不能开车。
white elephant 不想要却丢不得的东西
When he planned to sell his house, his expensive furniture became white elephants. 他想要卖房的时候,那些昂贵的家具竟成了累赘。
elephant dugout 大壕沟, 大防空洞
There was an elephant dugout here. 这里曾经有个大防空洞。
as thick skinned as an elephant 不听人劝;感觉迟钝
I just think he is as thick skinned as an elephant. 我真是觉得他老不听人劝。
rogue elephant 离群的凶猛野象
The arms race was a "rogue elephant" against which we all must act. 军备竞赛是一只“离群的大象”我们大家都必须对它采取行动。