Networking is the art of building and sustaining mutually beneficial relationships.
I had zero time to exploit contacts or to cultivate long-term relationships.
In purely financial terms, a mere handful of well-connected champions can generate a large amount of added revenue.
Enlarge your Inner Circle, and expand your social network.
Few women alive haven't dwelled on human relationships or their appearance, but most manage to concern themselves with other things too. 现在很少有女性不关注自己的人脉和外表,但是大多数人同时还在担心其他的事情。
You can make the connection you seek, but not all by yourself. This is a good time to get around by the back way.
The only people who should get involved are sophisticated individuals who have significant resources and a highly qualified investment staff. 只有那些掌握丰富的人脉资源,并且拥有十分称职的投资顾问的投资散户才能涉足这一领域。
Our strategic location, heritage and cultural background, together with our extensive experience in working with the Mainland place us in a position unmatched by anyone.