They were locked in a verbal duel. 他们在进行舌战。(可可原创,转载注明出处)
The president's announcements sparked a debate between the two parties. 总统的宣布激发两党之间的一场唇枪舌战。(可可原创,转载注明出处)
When she came down, she found the son and all his sisters together by the ears.
These two sharp wits never met in former times but a perfect war of raillery was kept up between them. 过去这两个机灵嘴快的人每一次见面都要展开一场彼此挖苦讥笑的舌战。(可可原创,转载注明出处)
As they went paddling down the lake, a hot discussion was maintained concerning the respective merits of the palefaces and the redskins. 在顺湖而下的途中,他们展开了一场有关白种人和红种人优劣得失的激烈舌战。(可可原创,转载注明出处)
A London Times correspondent sees Dimitrov make Goring's face turn red. 季米特洛夫舌战戈林目睹记。(可可原创,转载注明出处)
The two sides are also doing battle in the courts. 电台和唱片公司双方正在法庭内唇枪舌战。(可可原创,转载注明出处)
He apparently tried to avoid opening up a verbal battle with China. 他分明极力避免与中国展开舌战。(可可原创,转载注明出处)
The model for this sort of description is contained in the tale of Theramene, which is not useful to tragedy, but which every day renders great services to judicial eloquence. 这种描写的范例在德拉门的语录里可以看到,对悲剧没有用处,但它每天使法庭上的舌战确实生色不少。(可可原创,转载注明出处)
You will always see a battle of words/wits or wordy warfare among media people. 媒体人之前的舌战,智斗,或者笔墨官司屡见不鲜。(可可原创,转载注明出处)