地道英语学习第76期(附讲解音频):Crash 睡觉
日期:2012-01-06 14:18


Diarmuid: Yawn. 哈欠。

Yang Li: Tired, Diarmuid? 圣保罗,你累了吗?

Diarmuid: Yes, just a bit... 是的,有点累……

Yang Li: Go on, have 20 minute's sleep and I'll wake you up. 去睡20分钟吧,然后我叫醒你。

Diarmuid: Yeah, I want to crash... out... too... (snoring) 是的,我想睡觉了……(打鼾声)

Yang Li: (whispering) 看穆达这困劲儿,一时恐怕醒不了,不过刚才穆达使用了一个特别地道的英语单词,crash,你知道这个词的意思吗?

Diarmuid: (snoring)

Yang Li: Oops,我得轻一点,不要吵醒了穆达。一说到crash 这个词,恐怕大家马上会想到车祸car crash 或经济崩溃economic crash,不过,crash 这个词还可以用来表达睡觉的意思,也就是 sleep。

Diarmuid: (snoring)

Yang Li: 是的,你经常听到英国人说I just need to crash for a while我需要睡一会儿,或者由于筋疲力尽一下子睡着了I just crashed out


A: I'm so tired. I think I'm going to have to crash in a minute. 我太累了,我想等会我要小憩一下。

B: No problem, you've been up since 5am, you must be exhausted! 没问题,你从早晨5点就起来了,一定很累了!

A: I'm going to Edinburgh next weekend. 我下周末打算去爱丁堡。

B: Oh cool, that's nice. Where are you going to crash? 哦,酷,这很好。你在哪里休息呢?

A: I think I'll just crash at my sister's. 我想我就睡在我姐姐家了吧。

Yang Li: 在以上第二段对话中,回答者说她将睡在她姐姐家 crash at his sister's.

Diarmuid: Eh? (snoring) 啊?

Yang Li: I think Diarmuid's about to wake up. 我觉得圣保罗正要休息了。

Diarmuid: What's that Li? 李,你说什么?

Yang Li: Er, I was just explaining today's Authentic Real English while you were asleep. Crash. 额,在你睡觉的时候,我在解释今天地道英语要讲解的词。

Diarmuid: Oh sorry, I was asleep for the whole time. Hope you're not too tired doing the whole programme alone? 哦,抱歉,我一直在睡觉。希望你独自做节目的时候不会很累。

Yang Li: Actually I am a little tired... 事实上,我有些累了……

Diarmuid: Oh really? 哦,真的吗?

Yang Li: Yes, I think I might just crash out for a while... (snoring) 我想我可能会睡一会了……
