William: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from www.bbcukchina.com. I'm William. 大家好,这里是来自bbcukchina网地道美语节目。我是威廉。
Feifei: I'm Feifei. 我是菲菲。
William: Feifei...? 菲菲……?
Feifei: What? 怎么了?
William: Don't you want to say hello to our listeners? 你难道不应该跟听众朋友们问声好吗?
Feifei: Hello. 大家好。
William: What's the matter? 发生什么事了?
Feifei: 我很生气,因为我的朋友 Kate 实在是太不够意思了。我每6个月才见她一次,可以她每次来的时候都不提前打招呼,总是搞突袭。昨天晚上她没提前通知我,突然来我家,虽然没准备,但是见老朋友总是件高兴事儿。
William: Hmmm, that sounds nice. Go on. 嗯,听起来不错,继续说。
Feifei: 老朋友来我家,我赶紧拿出一瓶好酒来招待。可是谁都没想到,她就是来借我的电子字典。我给她字典之后她就走了。连那杯酒都没喝完!
William: Oh dear! She doesn't sound like a very good friend. 哦,天啊!听起来她不是很友好么。
Feifei: She's always scrounging stuff off me. I lent her my radio last year and I've still not had it back. 她总是喜欢骗走我的东西。她去年从我这儿借走收音机到现在还没有还给我。
William: Well, look on the bright side Feifei. You've just used a word that we can look at in our programme today. To scrounge. 嗯,菲菲要往好的方面看。你刚才用到了今天我们要说到的单词。
Feifei: To scrounge. 这是一个贬义词,意思就是骗取某物。
William: Listen to this example of one way to use the verb to scrounge. 听下面用scrounge这个动词造句的例子。
Woman: Hi, Denise... could you do me a favour? 你好,丹尼斯……能帮我一个忙吗?
Woman 2: Yeah, what can I do for you? 是的,需要我为你做些什么?
Woman: Can I possibly scrounge 10p off you? 能给我10便士吗?
Woman 2: Yes, of course! Here you are. 是的,当然!给你。
Feifei: 上面对话中的女士用 scrounge 来形容自己向朋友索要10便士的行为。Can I possibly scrounge 10p off you?
William: Yes, that's how we use that word; to scrounge something off someone. And you can see that even though this word scrounge is quite negative, we can use it to describe our own actions in a humorous way. Feifei, can I scrounge a pen off you? 是的,这就是如何使用这个短语。你可以看出,尽管这个词是贬义的,我们可以诙谐地用这个词来描述自己。能把这支笔给我了吗?
Feifei: No you can't! I'm sick of people scrounging stuff off me. William 我们能不能把 scrounge 当名词来用呢?
William: Almost. If you want to describe someone who scrounges a lot, like your friend Kate, Feifei, we can call them a scrounger. 大多数情况下可以。如果你想描述一个爱骗取别人东西的人,比如你的朋友凯特。菲菲,我们可以称找个人是个骗子。
Feifei: A scrounger 就是一个总是骗取他人之物的人。不过这个词非常的贬义,所以在使用的时候要注意。
William: Scrounger. It's a word that you sometimes read in newspapers to describe people who don't work but live off the state.
Feifei: 是的,英国的小报经常会称一些自己不工作,只靠政府的救济金来生活的人scroungers, 因为 they are scrounging off the state.
William: There's also a phrase linked to the verb to scrounge. And I think that this phrase is not so serious, it's often quite a humorous one. So let's hear an example and see if you can catch what the phrase is. 也有和这个词语相关的短语。我想这个词组不是很严肃,它常常表现得十分幽默。来听这个例子,看看是不是掌握了这个词组。
Woman: Hi, Tom. We don't see you up our end of the office very often. 汤姆,你好。自从我们不在一个办公室了,我就很少能看见你。
Man: I'm on the scrounge for paperclips. Have you got any spare ones? 我在找回形针。你有多余的吗?
Feifei: 对话中的男士说 I'm on the scrounge for paperclips 的意思就是他在找曲别针。他虽然用了单词 scrounge, 但是这里并不是贬义的,只是表示他需要什么东西 on the scrounge for something. Well, I'll tell you one thing, William.
William: What's that, Feifei? 菲菲,那是什么?
Feifei: I've had enough of scroungers. Next time Kate turns up at my door, she'd better have my dictionary and my radio and I don't care what she says, I'm not lending her anything ever again. 我已经了解足够多的关于爱骗取别人东西的人的特质了。下次凯特来最好先把我的辞典和收音机还给我。不管他说什么,我都不会把东西借给了。
William: Good for you, Feifei! Stand up for yourself! 菲菲,这样很好!做自己想做的! Can I scrounge a cigarette?