1. screw up 弄糟,搞砸
She had screwed up and had to do it all over again. 她把事情搞砸了,只得重新再做。
2. trip up 犯错误;出差错
I tripped up in the interview and said something rather silly. 我在面试中不慎说了一些蠢话。
3. goof up 出大错,把……搞乱
Don't goof up. 别出岔子。
4. blow it 搞砸
Why did you blow it? 你怎么搞砸了?
5. mess up 一团糟
It made him squirm to think how he'd messed up the interview. 他想到面试时自己表现得那么差劲,心里真不是滋味儿。
6. play the devil with 把……搞乱
The delay on the track has played the very devil with the train timetable. 铁路线上的这次误点已严重打乱了列车的运行时刻。
Believe me or not, I was born to look after kids and I have never done stupid things to ruin my reputaion of genius!
7. ruin it 搞砸,弄坏
She poured water all over my painting and ruined it. 她把水倒在我整幅画上,把画全毁了。
8. foul up 搞砸
Our plans were fouled up by the bad weather. 我们的计划被坏天气破坏了。
9. make a hash of 弄糟
They've made a hash of their financial affairs. 他们把自己的财务搞得一团糟。
10. bomb 本意是轰炸,口语表示“把什么给东西搞砸了”
I bombed the test. 我考砸了。
11. go pear-shaped 没把事情做好
It's all gone pear-shaped. 事情全被搞砸了。
12. run into the ground 毁坏,破坏
During her brief time as chief executive,Marjorie just about ran the company into the ground. 在短暂的首席执行官任期中,马乔里几乎把公司搞砸了。
13. fuck up 搞糟,搞坏,闯祸(美国粗俗语,慎用)
You'll fuck up the motor if you're not careful. 你要是不当心会把马达弄坏的。