William: Hi, I'm William and welcome to Authentic Real English. 威廉,你好。欢迎来到原汁原味英语节目。
Feifei: Ahhh...啊……
William: Feifei? 菲菲,什么事?
Feifei: Don't you think Brad Pitt is lovely? 你也会觉得布拉德·皮特很可爱,对吗?
William: Brad Pitt? 布拉德·皮特?
Feifei: Yes,he's tall, handsom... and of course an amazing actor. 是的,他很高,很帅……并且还是个了不起的演员。
William: Yeah and I'm sure he's worth a few bob too. 是的,我也确信他会是个有钱人。
Feifei: A few bob? 一些饰品?
William: Yeah I think Brad Pitt is worth a lot of money. Have you got a few bob? 是的,我觉得布拉德·皮特身价很高。你有钱吗?
Feifei: So a few bob means a large amount of money? 也就是说一些饰品的意思是很多钱吗?
William: Well,a few bob actually means a small amount of money but it's usually used in an ironic way, to mean a lot of money.
Feifei: A few bob 的意思就是一点儿钱。通常使用这个短语时都带有讽刺的意味,表示很多钱。
William: Here are some examples. 比如。
A: She's has got the brand new phone I want! 她有一个我很想有的新款的手机!
B: Yeah and look at that designer handbag, she definitely looks like she's got a few bob. 是啊,看那只专门设计的手提包,她看上去真得很有钱的样子。
A: Did you see John's new car? 你见过约翰的新车吗?
B: Yes, it's amazing! He's definitely not short of a few bob. 是的,很棒!他一定很有钱。
William: In that last example the speaker said not short of a few bob. 后一个例子中,说话者明明说没有钱啊。
Feifei: Not short of a few bob 的意思就是他非常富有。
William: Sometimes instead of saying a few bob people will say a bob or two.
Feifei: 有时候我们也可以说 a bob or two 来表示 a few bob。 I definitely think Brad Pitt is worth a bob or two.
William: Feifei, I think you're getting obsessed with Brad Pitt! 菲菲,我觉得你开始迷上布拉德·皮特了!
Feifei: I'm not obsessed 痴迷的! I just think he's a very good actor! 我只是觉得他是个很好的演员!
William: Yeah yeah yeah! Anyway,back to today's phrase, here is an example using the phrase a bob or two. 对啊!不管怎么样,回到今天的短语,在用a bob or two来举个例子。
A: Did you sell your old furniture? 你把你的旧家具买了吗?
B. Not yet, but I'm hoping to make a bob or two out of it. 还没有,但是我希望买个好价钱。
Feifei: So William, are you worth a bob or two? 所以,威廉,你有钱没?
William: I couldn't possibly answer that, Feifei! 菲菲,我不能回答这个问题。