日期:2011-10-06 11:38


Workplace stress experts are saying that “computeritis,” a term that has made it into the Oxford and other dictionaries, can cause long-lasting health problems if not addressed. Even children are suffering signs of computeritis, experts said.


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Computeritis is what happens when you sit in front of a computer screen for too many hours. Your legs and buttocks become numb from sitting too long. Because you’re sitting, you’re not exercising, which means you probably will be gaining weight or at least losing muscle tone. A lack of exercise can lead to heart problems and other ailments.

Computers have generated lots of new words and phrases. You have a “computer face” if you have eyes that looked glazed over and an open mouth, like you have been staring at a TV or computer screen. “Computer vomit” is what happens when users open up a Microsoft program and it spews scrambled numbers and letters. If you download a program with a dangerous software virus attached, you have committed “computercide” on your now-nonworking laptop.


有很多由电脑衍生出来的新词和词组。如果你目光呆滞,嘴巴张开,就说明你有一张“computer face”(电脑脸),就好像你一直盯着电视机或电脑屏幕那样。Computer vomit是指当你打开一个微软程序的时候,跳出一串乱码和字符。如果你下载的程序带有危险的恶意软件,你就对笔记本犯了“computercide”的罪行,导致它瘫痪。

  • numbadj. 麻木的,失去知觉的,无动于衷的 vt. 使 .
  • virusn. 病毒,病原体
  • screenn. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风 v. 放映,选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽
  • committedadj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的
  • stressn. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.
  • tonen. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调 vt. 使更健壮,装