日期:2011-09-19 09:10


Finn: Hello. I'm Finn.

Li: And I'm Li. 我们小声讲话的原因是我们现在呀正坐在观众席上,参加即将开始的伦敦踢踏舞大奖赛的颁奖仪式。

Finn: Yes. And I think it's going to begin now. Shh.
Awards Host: And the award for best dancer this year goes to… Timmy Tapper!
今年的最佳舞蹈者授予……Timmy Tapper

Timmy Tapper: Erm, thank you!

Awards Host: Timmy, would you like to say a few words?

Timmy Tapper: Yes, erm, thank you… to… everybody! Thanks.

Awards Host: Great. Well thank you Timmy. You've done a fantastic job this year!

Finn:(whispers) Li, what happened? He was like a rabbit in the headlights.

Li: I don't know, he was really nervous. 非常紧张。不过你刚才说了一句什么兔子?

Finn: Yes, a rabbit in the headlights. It's a phrase used to describe someone who is so nervous that they can't move or speak.

Li: 这是一个短语用来形容某个人因为极度紧张,而说不出话来,也迈不开步了! 不过为什么要提到车头前灯 headlights 呢?

Finn: Ah, well think about if you are driving a car at night and you have your headlights on. Suddenly, a rabbit appears in the middle of the road. But it is too scared by the car driving towards it to run away.

Li: It's a rabbit in the headlights. Oh, Finn, I think Timmy Tapper wants to say something now.
太紧张而不敢说话,Finn我认为 Timmy Tapper现在想说些什么。
Timmy Tapper: Oh, sorry. Can I just say one more thing?

Awards Host: Sure, go ahead, Timmy!

(Timmy starts tap dancing)
Awards Host: Well, isn't that amazing!
Li: Ha ha. 我想 Timmy 恐怕觉得通过踢踏舞才能更好地交流吧。

Finn: Indeed, while Timmy dances, I have some advice for everyone. If you want to speak confident English, and not be a rabbit in the headlights, why not visit our website to explore our free English learning materials?
确实,当Timmy 跳舞的时候,我想给大家提个意见。如果你想说流畅的英语,就不要害怕说话,为什么不来看看我们的网址来找些免费的英语学习材料呢?

Li: 是的,我们的网址是 bbcukchina.com.

Finn: That's it. Bye.

Li: Bye.

  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • explorev. 探险,探测,探究
  • confidentadj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 adj. 易
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的