地道英语学习第9期(附讲解音频):gatecrash 不请自到
日期:2011-07-15 09:34


Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听《地道英语》节目,我是王飞。

William: And I'm William. Welcome to the programme. You look very smart today, Wang Fei.

Wang Fei: (false modesty) Oh really? Do you think so?

William: Very smart. Look at your bow tie! And your evening jacket!

Wang Fei: Ah yes, my bow tie 我新买的领结 and evening jacket 晚礼服。Well, this is just a little something I get out every now and then. I'm sure George and Jack and Tom will be wearing something similar.

William: Who? George, Jack...?

Wang Fei: Yeah, you know, George Clooney 乔治·克鲁尼,Jack Nicholson 杰克·尼科尔森 and Tom Cruise 汤姆·克鲁斯...

William: What? You're going to see George Clooney and Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise tonight?!

Wang Fei: 是的。明天戛纳电影节就要开幕了,所以我今天晚上要去一个小小的聚会。

William: Wow! That's incredible. How did you get a ticket?

Wang Fei: 恩。实际上我也没买票。不过,你看我这个打扮,你说他们见到我,能不让我进去吗!

William: Right... so basically you're going to gatecrash a celebrity party.

Wang Fei: Gatecrash? What's that?

William: To gatecrash a party. It means to go to a party even though you haven't been invited. Let's hear some more examples:


Woman A: What was the party like last night?

Woman B: Oh, it was awful! All these kids crashed it and drank all the beer.


Man A: How are the preparations going for the party tonight?

Man B: Yeah, not bad.

Man A: Aren't you worried it might get gatecrashed?

Man B: Yeah, we’re going to pay a guy to be on the door to stop people coming in.


Wang Fei: 在第一个例句中说话者说他参加的晚会非常糟糕,因为很多孩子们不请自到,kids crashed the party. 这里的 to crash the party 就是 to gatecrash the party 的缩略形式。

William: Yes. And in that second example, the speaker said that he was going to pay a guy to be on the door.

Wang Fei: To be on the door 就是把门的意思。The man on the door 就是在门口检查所有来参加者都是得到邀请来的。嗯,do you think that there might be someone on the door at this party tonight, William?

William: You mean the celebrity party in Cannes with George and Jack and Tom? Yeah, I think there might be, Wang Fei.

Wang Fei: (crestfallen) Ah.

William: Well, I'll tell you what; my friend's having a birthday party in the pub down the road. Why don't you come to that instead? You'll be a little bit overdressed but I'm sure it will be fun for you.

Wang Fei: I was just looking forward to a bit of glamour for a change, with George and Jack and...

William: ...and Tom, yes I know. Well, one day, Wang Fei, if you keep making great programmes with BBCUKChina.com, then one day I'm sure you'll be mixing with George and Jack and Tom.

Wang Fei: 但是现在,今天就在酒吧委屈一下了。Again. (sigh) Hmmm. Bye!

  • bown. 弓 n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头 v. 鞠躬,成弓形,
  • celebrityn. 名人,名誉,社会名流
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • modestyn. 谦逊,虚心,端庄,朴实,中肯
  • incredibleadj. 难以置信的,惊人的