日期:2011-03-15 11:12



I have a sweet tooth, but everything in that chocolate boutique costs an arm and a leg. The owner of the boutique is a handsome guy. My friend drools over him. She always has a comment or too on the tip of her tongue for the owner and his chocolates. Luckily, I have my heart in the right place and do not end up spending a fortune on these chocolates. I find the owner a little too nosey. He is all ears and all eyes on other people’s discussions. He becomes a pain in the neck after some time. One day he caught his helper red handed trying to pilfer some chocolates out of the boutique. The helper was hand in glove with a regular customer. The helper tried to bite the hands that feed him.

sweet tooth:喜欢吃甜食
an arm and a leg:非常昂贵
on the tip of her tongue:在嘴边
my heart in the right place:做了正确的事
all ears and all eyes:聚精会神
a pain in the neck:讨厌的家伙
red handed:正在作案
hand in glove:关系很亲近
bite the hands that feed him:恩将仇报,以怨报德



  • commentn. 注释,评论; 闲话 v. 注释,评论
  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气