日期:2010-05-05 10:08


31. Don't underestimate me. 别小看我.

W: Can you finish typing this file in one day?

M: Don't underestimate me.

W: Fine. Send it to my office tomorrow morning.

M: I can eat five steam bread for a meal.

W: You are lying.

M: Don't underestimate me.

1.to think or guess that the amount, cost or size of something is smaller than it really is 低估;对…估计不足
to underestimate the cost/difficulty/danger of the expedition 低估远征的费用/艰难/危险VN
We underestimated the time it would take to get there. 我们低估了抵达那里所需的时间。
1. 2.to not realize how good, strong, determined, etc. somebody really is 对…认识不足(或重视不够);低估;轻视 VN
Never underestimate your opponent. 决不可低估你的对手。

32. Bon voyage. 一路平安.

W: You will return to Shanghai tomorrow, won't you?

M: Yes.

W: Bon voyage.

M: I will go to America to study in a few days.

W: Really? Bon voyage.

M: Thank you.

'Bon voyage'来源于法语,相当于中文的”一路平安”.

33. It'll drive me crazy. 这会把我逼疯的.

W: There is too much homework today.

M: Yes. It's impossible to finish.

W: It'll drive me crazy.

M: It'll drive me crazy.

W: What's going on?

M: This file is too difficult to translate.

34. Hopeless. 没希望.

W: Wang Lei failed the math exam again.

M: Hopeless.

W: Yes, you really get worried for him.

M: I am really hopeless.

W: What's wrong?

M: I made the same mistake again. (OK朗读者口误)

35. He is too picky. 他太挑剔了.

W: Why are you unhappy?

M: The general editor said I have mistakes in using punctuation.

W: He is too picky.

M: What do you think of Zhang Tao?

W: He is too picky.

M: It's hard to tell.

Picky: of a person 人 liking only particular things and difficult to please 挑剔的;难伺候的

36. Please excuse me. 对不起,很抱歉.

W: Please excuse me.

M: Are you busy?

W: It's too late. I must go home.

M: Don't forget we are going to the KTV to sing songs this evening.

W: Sorry. Please excuse me.

M: It's a pity.

37. Don't set yourself against me. 别和我作对.

W: I want to smoke. Is it OK?

M: No. Go outside.

W: Don't set yourself against me.

M: Don't always set yourself against me, OK?

W: But I'm only trying to help you.

M: There is no need.

set somebody against somebody: to make somebody oppose a friend, relative, etc. 使某人反对(朋友、亲人等)
She accused her husband of setting the children against her. 她指责丈夫唆使孩子们跟她作对。

38. Don't be long winded. 别那么啰嗦.

W: Don't be long winded.

M: I just want to remind you.

W: But you make me sick.

M: Don't read when you eat.

W: Don't be long winded.

M: That's good for you.

Long-winded: (especially of talking or writing 尤指说话或写作) continuing for too long and therefore boring 冗长枯燥的;啰嗦的;唠唠叨叨的 adjective disapproving
a long-winded speaker 喋喋不休的发言人
a long-winded process 繁琐乏味的程序

39. (但是朗读者读的是:37) Don't make jokes about me. 别取笑我.

W: You wrote this article really well.

M: Don't make jokes about me.

W: This is my real word from my heart.

M: I didn't do well in today's exam.

W: But every time you are still Number 1.

M: Don't make jokes about me.

40. I don't know when I will see you again. 不知道什么时候才能再见到你了.

W: I would return to my country tomorrow.

M: So I don't know when I will see you next time.

W: I will come to see you when I have time.

M: When are you going to New York to work?

W: I should go this weekend.

M: So we don't know when we'll see each other again.

  • expeditionn. 远征,探险队,迅速
  • punctuationn. 强调,标点
  • boringadj. 令人厌烦的
  • opposevt. 反对,反抗,使对立,使对抗
  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词
  • pityn. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜 v. 同情,怜悯
  • underestimaten. 低估 v. 低估
  • opponentn. 对手,敌手,反对者 adj. 敌对的,反对的
  • determinedadj. 坚毅的,下定决心的
  • unhappyadj. 不快乐的,不高兴的