日期:2010-05-04 11:40


There are still opportunities.

W: Well, the tickets for the concert had been sold out.

M: Don't be sad. There are still opportunities. I hear they will come next year.

W: We can do nothing about it.

M: What's wrong with you? Why are you so unhappy?

W: I lost again in the selection.

M: There will be other opportunities as long as you do your best.

Be patient. There's a long future.

W: I only gained a Bronze medal in this competition.

M: Be patient. There's a long future.

W: You're right. For better achievement I will work hard.

M: I failed this exam again. It's such a shame.

W: Be patient. There's a long future.

M: I will continue to work hard and hard in order to pass the next time.

sell out; be sold out: of tickets for a concert, football game, etc. 音乐会、足球赛等的门票 to be all sold 售完
The tickets sold out within hours. 几小时内票就卖光了.
This week's performances are completely sold out. 本周的演出门票全部售完.

Selection: the process of choosing somebody/something carefully from a group of people or things 选择;挑选;选拔
The final team selection will be made tomorrow. 明天将确定队伍的最后人选.
the random selection of numbers 号码的随意抽取
selection criteria 挑选标准
the selection process 选拔过程

Take the time.

W: How many words have you memorized?

M: I haven't got ready yet. I'm worried about it now.

W: Well, take your time.

M: Do you remember what I told you today?

W: It's too easy. Tomorrow please tell me more.

M: Take the time.

Never make, but always break.

W: Have you done what I told you last month?

M: What is it? I forgot.

W: I know you, never make, but always break.

M: Where is the thing that I gave you yesterday?

W: I got drunk and lost it.

M: Never make, always break.

Memorize: to learn something carefully so that you can remember it exactly 记忆;记住
to memorize a poem 记住一首诗

make or break something: to be the thing that makes somebody/something either a success or a failure 为...成败的关键
This movie will make or break him as a director. 这部电影将要决定他当导演是行还是不行/
It's make-or-break time for the company. 这是公司盛衰的关键时刻/
Never make, always break大概就来自于这个习语,可以理解为'成事不足败事有余'.

take your time (over something);take your time to do something/doing something
1.to use as much time as you need without hurrying 从容不迫;慢慢来
There's no rush─take your time. 别着急,慢慢来.
1. 2.used to say you think somebody is late or is too slow in doing something 迟到;慢慢腾腾;磨磨蹭蹭
You certainly took your time getting here! 你真是姗姗来迟啊!

You'll get used to it.

W: How do you feel about work recently?

M: There's great pressure. I'm just a little bit not used to it.

W: It doesn't matter. You will get used to it.

M: Is the new math teacher okay?

W: Yes, the only thing is his accent.

M: It doesn't matter. You will get used to it.

It's better than nothing.

W: I heard you won the lottery prize.

M: Well, only a piece of the cake.

W: It's better than nothing.

M: What did you get for your union for the spring festival?

W: Only ten movie tickets.

M: It's better than nothing.

这里,the only thing is在这里表示'唯一有问题就是'.在美剧中我们经常会听到the thing is,这个短语通常用来陈述原因,事实或问题.
the thing is: used to introduce an important fact, reason or explanation 事实是;主要原因是
I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week.对不起,我的任务没完成.主要原因是我这星期有许多其他工作要做.

But why should you be that harsh?

W: How can you forget to write your name again? Why can't you remember even though I have told you many times?

M: I'll remember it, but why should you be that harsh?

W: You just don't remember anything.

M: Sorry for losing one of your files and the computer.

W: What? How careless you are!

M: I already apologized for it.... Why should you be that harsh?

Everyone can make mistakes.

W: Why are you so unhappy?

M: I was just scolded by the manager.

W: Not a big deal. Everyone makes mistakes.

M: I'm likely to forget to sign my name and the position of the pay. I forgot again today.

W: It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes.

M: It is but a small fault. It will be terrible to make a big one.

Harsh: cruel, severe and unkind 残酷的;严酷的;严厉的
The punishment was harsh and unfair. 处罚很重而且不公平.
The minister received some harsh criticism. 部长受到了严厉的批评.
He regretted his harsh words. 他对自己的刻薄言辞感到后悔.
We had to face up to the harsh realities of life sooner or later. 我们迟早都得正视生活的严酷现实.

Scold: to speak angrily to somebody, especially a child, because they have done something wrong 训斥,责骂(孩子)
He scolded them for arriving late. 他嫌他们迟到,训了他们一通.

not a big deal: 不是什么大事;不要紧

Mistake kindness as ill intention.

W: What's going on?

M: Just now I advised Xiao Ming not to copy others' homework. But he said I'm meddlesome.

W: So he mistakes your kindness as ill intentions.

M: Let me help you to clean the car.

W: It isn't necessary. I am afraid you will scratch my car.

M: Why do you mistake my kindness as ill intention?

It is hard to alter his character.

W: I think it's hard for Xiao Gang to alter his character.

M: What's wrong with him?

W: He stole 200 yuan again.

M: How does Wang Lei behave recently?

W: He just plays around and never studies.

M: It's hard to alter his character.

Meddlesome: of people 人 enjoying getting involved in situations that do not concern them 好管闲事的;爱干预的
meddlesome politicians 好管闲事的政客们

  • severeadj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的
  • faultn. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层 vt.
  • kindnessn. 仁慈,好意
  • alterv. 改变,更改,阉割,切除
  • harshadj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的
  • intentionn. 意图,意向,目的
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • unhappyadj. 不快乐的,不高兴的