看绝望主妇学口语(视频版) 第9期:Get off on the wrong foot
日期:2010-04-23 13:23




Bree: Excuse me?

Katherine: I experimented for years before I came up with my secret ingredient.

Bree: Which is what? Vanilla? Nutmeg? Cardemen?

Katherine: If I told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore. It would just be an ingredient.

Bree: Well that hardly seems neighborly after all I just gave you the recipe for my Minced Meat pie.

Katherine: Yes, it's a very good one. I have the book it came from.

Bree: The recipe's not from a book. That recipe was handed down to me from my mother.

Katherine: Well unless your mother was Betty Crocker she got it from a book. Oh dear, now I've upset you.

Bree: No, no, I'm not upset. I'm just confused as to why you seem so determined to get off on the wrong foot. First you bring a pie to Lynette's when I clearly assigned you the salad.

Katherine: Now see, that's where I'm confused. Just what, please, gives you the right to decide who brings what to a luncheon that I suggested.

Bree: Well, it's tradition! I always organize our little get togethers and I always bring dessert.

Katherine: Well then how lovely that I'm back to shoulder that burden for you.


1.I experimented for years before I came up with my secret ingredient.

Come up with sth这个动词短语的使用频率很高,通常有2种意思.第一个是"找到答案,想到好法子,有新主意(来解决某问题)".

She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的新主意.
后面常跟idea, thought,solution等词.

How soon can you come up with the money? 你什么时候能拿出这笔钱?


occur to somebody: (of an idea or a thought 观念或想法) to come into your mind 被想到;出现在头脑中

The idea occurred to him in a dream. 这个主意是他在梦中想到的.

hit on/upon something: to think of a good idea suddenly or by chance 突然有个好主意;偶然想到妙点子

She hit upon the perfect title for her new novel. 她灵机一动为自己的新小说找到了一个理想的书名.

Then he hit on an idea that would be acceptable to both of us.随后他忽然想出一个我们双方都会接受的方法.

2.That recipe was handed down to me from my mother.

hand something down (to somebody): to give or leave something to somebody who is younger than you 把某事物传下去;传给(后代)

pass something down: to give or teach something to your children or people younger than you, who will then give or teach it to those who live after them, and so on 使世代相传;流传

3.I'm just confused as to why you seem so determined to get off on the wrong foot. First you bring a pie to Lynette's when I clearly assigned you the salad.

as to sth: used when you are referring to something 关于;至于

As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary. 至于税款,将从你薪水中扣除.

"Get off on the wrong foot (with sb)"是很常见的一句英语俗语,意思就是"关系一开始就不顺利". To start a relationship badly.

I seem to have got off on the wrong foot with the new boss. 看来我和新老板的关系一开头就不好.

那如果要表达"一开始就相处地好",则可以说"get off on the right foot".


4.Well then how lovely that I'm back to shoulder that burden for you.


to shoulder the responsibility/blame for something 对某事承担责任╱过失

women who shoulder the double burden of childcare and full-time work 既抚养孩子又做全职工作,承担着双重负担的妇女

  • confusedadj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu
  • acceptableadj. 合意的,受欢迎的,可接受的
  • organizev. 组织
  • solutionn. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液
  • recipen. 食谱,秘诀,药方
  • ingredientn. 成分,原料,配料,因素
  • vanillan. 香草 adj. 香草的,平淡的,乏味的
  • blamen. 过失,责备 vt. 把 ... 归咎于,责备
  • shouldern. 肩膀,肩部 v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩)推挤
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱