日期:2010-04-21 09:48


pull sth Off 完成困难的事情;把难做的事情做好

I didn 't think the dinner would go well ,but we pulled it off beautifully.


set sb up (with sb)介绍...给....(异性)

My cousin is always trying to set me up with women from her officer.


piss something away 把....浪费掉

My father thinks I'm pissing my life away because I'm in a rock band.


I could have gone to Sydney, but I pissed all my money away gambling


slip away (不知不觉、悄悄的)溜走

I think I'm going to try to slip away from this party early tonight.

我想今晚的这个派队我得早点溜了, 我实在太累了想好好休息.

As we get older, time seems to slip away much faster.


get away with 逃脱处罚

My little sister is so lucky, she gets away with everything just because she is cute.


Sam thought he could get away with cheating on the test, but he was caught by the teacher.

Sam 认为考试可以作弊一下以为老师逮不住他,但不巧被老师逮个正着.

suck up to: 恭维别人,献媚

Eve is always sucking up to her boss, telling him how wonderful he is.

Eve 喜欢去向她的老板献殷勤,告诉他有多棒.

work on: 提高

You play tennis very well, but I think you should work on your backhand stroke.


drop in 顺便走访, 不预先通知的拜访 drop in+地点,drop in on+人

Drop in whenever you're in Haidian, I'd love to see you.


My best friend lives in this neighborhood. Let's drop in on her.


mess with 挑衅、招惹

A drunk guy at the bar tried to mess with me, but the bartender kicked him out.


die down 变弱, 渐渐消失、平息

The big fuss over Real Madrid playing in Beijing died down after the game.


We're hoping for the storm to die down before we go out sailing. Otherwise it could too dangerous.


take it back 收回所说的话,为所说的道歉

It wasn't nice of you to make fun of your little brother, take it back and never do it again.


I can't believe you told your gf she was fat! If you don't take it back, you may never see her again.

  • bandn. 带,箍,波段 n. 队,一群,乐队 v. 绑扎 v
  • slipv. 滑倒,溜走,疏忽,滑脱 n. 滑倒,溜走,疏忽,失
  • fussn. 大惊小怪,小题大作,强烈不满或争吵 vi. 无事自
  • stroken. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风, v. 奉