日期:2010-04-15 09:56


A different world 大不一样

Living in Australia feels like a different world from living in China.


see things in black and white 把什么问题看的过于简单,刻板

You have to stop seeing things in black and white, there are many ways to look at a situation.


Jinx 扫把星

I think this watch is a jinx to me. Every time I wear it, Something bad happens.


Some people think the year of Goad is a jinx.


play dumb 装傻

Stop playing dumb! I know you know who ate the last piece of cake .


When the police get here, Let's play dumb, I don't want to get in trouble for something I didn't do.


turn on the charm 施展,释放魅力

If you want girl to like you, you'd better turn on the charm . 如果你想让女孩喜欢你,你就要施展你的魅力喽.

save the day 拯救...的一天;帮....很大的忙,(引申)力挽狂澜

Our team was losing the game until Duren scored 3 goals in a row ! I saved the day.


itch to do something 迫不及待做...某事; 热切期望

Oh, man, I'm itching to get off work , I have a hot date tonight.


Sit tight! 耐心点!稍安勿躁!

Sit tight ! Dinner's gonna be ready for five minutes . 耐心点!晚饭五分钟之内就会做好的.

If you sit tight for a second,I'll explain what happened in the meeting today . 如果你能安静下来,我会向你解释今天会上所发生的一切.

play it safe 保守,为了保险起见

I'm not sure how many people are coming here for dinner tonight, let's just play it safe and make some extra food .


I hate playing tennis with Bob , he's not very aggressive , he's always playing it safe.


deep down 说真的,实话实说

Deep down , we're not right for each other .


Deep down, I really love her, I think I should ask her to marry me.


I'm not sure how I feel about moving to American. Deep down , I don't really think it's the right decision for me .

对于移居美国,我不知道该怎么想. 但说真的,我认为那并不合适我.
  • goadn. 刺棒,激励物,刺激物 v. 用刺棒驱赶,激励,刺激
  • aggressiveadj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • rown. 排,船游,吵闹 vt. 划船,成排 vi. 划船,
  • charmn. 魅力,迷人,吸引力,美貌 v. (使)陶醉,(使)