Snap out of it. 振作起来,作回自己
例句 Hey I know you broke up with your girlfriend and you are depressed.But snap out of it.It's not the end of the world. 我知道你和女友分手了,而且你很难过.可你要振作起来,这没什么了不起的.
Hey I don't know what you are thinking about.But snap out of it.You still have a lot of work to do. 我不管你在想什么,但是你得赶快找回自己,还有很多活等着你去干呢.
Sham 冒牌货
例句 That company is a sham.They promise to help you ,but they only steal your money. 那家公司是冒牌的.他们说会帮助你,可事实上,他们只会赚你的钱.
I am a sham.I can't really do all the things I said I can do. 我是个冒牌货.我原来说过的事,其实我都做不到.
lose one's marbles=go crazy=lose one's mind 疯了(做了一些很蠢的事情)
例句 Hey have you lost your marbles?Don't tell your girlfriend she's ugly. 你疯了么?别告诉你的女朋友她唱得不好看.
Are you losing your marbles?Are you really got married that guy? 你一定是昏了头吧?你想嫁给那个家伙?
Pep talk 鼓励人的演说,说辞
例句 My boss gave me a great pep talk before the big meeting.I think it really helped me to close the deal. 在会议之前,老板给我很多鼓励,这使我能够把单子签下来.
Angela needed a good pep talk after she didn't get asked to the prom. 没有人请Angela跳舞,我们该给她一点鼓励.
in a bad shape:状况不好
That bicycle is in pretty bad shape.I'll only give you 30 bucks for that. 这辆自行车这么烂,我只出30块钱.
He was in pretty bad shape after his girlfriend broke up with him. 因为跟女朋友分手了,所以他的精神状况非常糟.
make sth. harder than it has to be=make something easy into something difficult 把……弄得很复杂,多此一举
例句 Dave is making it harder than it has to be by insisting we wait for the red light before we cross the street. Dave坚持说要等红灯变绿灯我们才能过马路.他真是多此一举.
Don't make it harder than it has to be.Just do what boss says so we can all get out here early. 你就别添乱了,只要按老板说的去做,我们都能早早收工.
Here's the deal 你看这样行不行
例句 Here's the deal:I'll give you half the money now and half the money when the DVDs are safely delivered. 老板你看这样行不行啊:我先付你一半钱,等DVD机完好无损的送到我那里,我再付给你另一半.
Look.These T-shirts are in bad condition.Here's the deal:I'll buy all of them for 30% off,okay? 你瞧这些衬衫都有点毛病.你看这样行不行,我全包了,你给我打七折,怎么样?
round and round 指说话兜圈子
Cut to the chase 说话直截了当
例句 Look, we can go round and round all the afternoon, but we have to make a decision on the investment today. 这样,我们可以整个下午都一直兜圈子,可关于投资问题,我们今天必须做出决定.
You keep going round and round on the subject. Do you want to join the team our not? 你总是在兜圈子.你到底想不想参加进来?
See your way clear of something = avoid 避免
例句 If you don't want to get caught in that storm. You'd better see your way clear of highway 27. 你要是不想遭遇暴风雪,最好避开27号高速路.
To be that situation in life, you really need to see your way clear of a lot of temptation. 在那种境况下,你真的要抵御很多诱惑.
Hang on 1.滞留,停留,等待 2.(接电话时)等一下
例句 I've almost done cleaning my room.If you hang on,we can go to the mall together. 我的房间就快整理好了.你要是愿意等我一会,我们就能一起去商场.
Hang on.last week you said you were gonna pay me 10/hr.Now you pay 8.That's not fair. 等等,等等.上周你说每小时付给我10美元,现在你只给我8美元.这不公平.
Get in the middle of 插手......卷入......
例句 It has nothing to do with you.Why are you getting in the middle of their arguments? 这事跟你一点关系都没有.你干吗搅合到他们的争论中呢?
I started working in a part time for a consulting firm.Now I'm right getting in the middle of this huge deal.I don't understand how my job became so important. 我在一家咨询公司做兼职.现在我正接手一桩大买卖.我不知道我的工作怎么变得这么重要了.