日期:2010-03-12 10:44

She's a very good lawyer but she does sometimes rub clients the wrong way. 她是个出色的律师,但有时候她也会无意中触怒委托人.
rub sb the wrong way:to make somebody annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying something that offends them (无意中)惹人生气,触怒别人

He really put his foot in his mouth when he mentioned the party to her. She hadn't been invited. 他跟她提起那次聚会的事可真使她难堪,因为她没有收到邀请.
put your foot in your mouth:(无意中)冒犯某人,闯祸
I really put my foot in my mouth with Ella─I didn't know she'd split up with Tom. 我真的冒犯了埃拉---我不知道她和汤姆分手了.