日期:2010-02-25 10:20


bogus 假的,伪造的

例:Don't believe all the news you read .Some of it can be bogus .
例:The internet is able to be used to hide a lot of bogus companies .

Busted ! 逮到你了!

例:My parents busted me getting home at 3 in the morning after that big party.

例:The police busted several teenagers stealing in a supermarket .

sleepover (小孩)在朋友家过夜的晚会

eg:1.My parents are letting me have a sleepover for my birthday.我父母为我生日准备了晚会.

2.I think my younger sister still too young for sleepover parties.我认为我妹妹还太小不适合办晚会.

say bad stuff about sb 说某人坏话

eg:1.She was saying bad stuff about me to my boss.她在老板面前说我坏话.

work sth out 达成共识

eg:1.We need to work out the final details about this contract.我们需要把合同的最后细节在确认一下.

2.A;Where to go on holiday this year?
B:We hanen't worked out.

be up to sth做好准备

eg:1.Since the accident he's not up to moving around too much.自从事故以来,他还不能动弹得太多.

2.I feel I'm up to the challenge.我觉得我准备好去迎接挑战了.

pitch in 投入到(加入到),搭手帮忙;

eg:1.We all pitched in to help our mom with the dinner.让我们一起帮妈妈做饭吧.

2.If you could pitch in a little,we'd be finished quicker.如果你搭把手帮点忙的话,我们会很快完成的.

never enter someone's mind 从来没想过

例:It would never enter my mind to leave my job . 我从来就没有想过要辞掉工作.

例:Before meeting her it never entered my mind to get married. 在遇到她之前我没想过要结婚 .

wind down 放松

例: I want to go on holiday and wind down. 我想去度假轻松一下.

例:Around Christmas the company's business winds down a lot. 圣诞节这个时期公司的业务轻松多了.

put somebody down 指责某人

例:My friends were putting me down at school today . 今天在学校我的伙伴们指责我.

例:Evelyn sometimes puts people down behind their backs .伊夫林喜欢在背地里讲别人的不是.

a grand time 愉快/美好的时光

例:We had a grand time in Hawaii last year . 去年我们在夏威夷渡过了快乐的时光.

例:I hope you have a grand time on your vacation . 我祝你在假期过得愉快.

tip off 通风报信

例:Someone tipped off the police that the thief was hiding in the garage.有些人通风报信给警察,那贼躲藏在车库里.

例:The spy was tipped off that the secret meeting would be held in London. 间谍暗地报信,那秘密会议将在伦敦举行.

in person 亲自去做什么

例:You can register for classes over the phone or in person .你要报名参加这个课程要么打电话,要么你新自来报名.

例:Liz is a great friend .She came to my house to wish me a happy birthday in person.Liz是个非常好的朋友,她新自到我家来祝我生日快乐.

hold sb. or sth. back 干扰,阻挠,妨碍某人去做什么(某事发生)

例:My parents are always very supportive .They never hold me back from following my dreams. 我的父母总是非常支持我,他们不会阴止我去追求我的梦想.

例:The fear of flying holds some people back from traveling .飞行的恐惧症使得很多人不敢去旅行.

lay one's hand on something 得到某样东西

例:Amamda wants to lay her hand on a new car, but she can't afford one now.Amamda想要一辆新车,但是她买不起一辆车.

例:I need you lay my hand on last month's financial report where can I find it?我需要得到上个月的财政报告,我在哪可以找到?

  • contractn. 合同,契约,婚约,合约 v. 订合同,缩短,缩小,
  • pitchn. 沥青,树脂,松脂 n. 程度,投掷,球场,音高 v
  • registerv. 记录,登记,注册,挂号 n. 暂存器,记录,登记簿
  • bogusadj. 假的,伪造的
  • spyn. 间谍,侦探,侦察 vt. 侦探,看到,找出 vi.
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战